eSøknad - A web-based system for the electronic submission of research funding applications A short presentation of the system intended for principal investigators/researchers who have not used eSøknad before.
System requirements Internet Connection to the Internet is required. Browser eSøknad is designed and tested for newer version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internett Explorer. It is possible to use other browsers, but is not guaranteed that all functionality will be available. PDF documents eSøknad only accepts attachments in PDF format. Attachments must be converted to PDF format before uploading. You need a scanner and/or a PDF program such as Adobe Acrobat Standard or a similar free program for PDF documents.
Security procedures eSøknad is developed for open use on the Internet, and the system is available in Norway and abroad. When creating an application form, eSøknad sends an e-mail containing a link (URL) that is unique to the individual application. The link contains a username (ID number) and a password (key). If the link to the form is made known to others, you give them full access to read and update the application. Use this opportunity (with caution) to let partners contribute to the formulation of the application.
eSøknad Overview 1 2 3 Call for applications Research funding is announced with a deadline each year. The researcher responds to the call by creating an application form. 2 The application form The researcher and collaborating partners fill out the application form. The form is adapted to the application type. eSøknad sends a message regarding management support when the application is submitted. 3 Viewing the application When an application is submitted, eSøknad switches from edit mode to display mode. The application is displayed as it will be presented to the evaluation committee.
Creating a form Go to the call for applications page on the regional health authority's website. You will find a link to eSøknad. You can also go directly to eSøknad with the address Enter your name and email address, the title of the application, etc. Then click on “Create” to create an application form. After a few minutes, eSøknad will send an e-mail to the e-mail address supplied with a link to the application form. Please take good care of this email, as the link to the form must be used each time you want to enter the system to continue working with the application.
Types of applications The application form may vary depending on the application type. The application form consists of six main sections: Participants, Activity plan), Classification, Summary, Budget and Attachments. The application is submitted on a dedicated page that is available in the menu bar at the top of the form. The menu bar also provides access to a preview of the application, as well as saving and the choice between Norwegian and English languages. Instructions are readily available in all parts of the form.
Working with the application To continue working on a saved application, use the link sent by email when the application was created. The link to the form can be saved as a favourite page in your browser. Note! If you forward the email to partners, you are giving them full access to read, modify, delete and submit the application.
Confirmation of project participants Participants who actively contribute to the project are to be registered. After a participant is registered, a request via text message and/or email must be sent to confirm the partnership. The email is sent in English The project participants must confirm their contribution by following the instructions in the e-mail sent to them. The status of feedback from project participants appears directly on the form and on the submission page, and should be checked prior to submitting Note that the applicant is also to be added as a participant.
Attachments Two PDF files are to be uploaded. One file is to contain the project description, while the other file is to contain all other required attachments. “Other attachments”: The attachments required may vary by application type. Refer to the instructions in the application form to see which attachments are required.
Submitting the application The submission page consists of three elements: «Select all options to suit application», where the applicant will decide which options correspond to the application. Several options are possible. «Confirmation from participants» «Status mandatory questions» The application can be submitted when the mandatory questions are answered. Press the “Submit” button. eSøknad sends a receipt by email. Note! Once an application is submitted, it cannot be changed.
Management support When an application is submitted, eSøknad sends a copy of the application to the applicant institution for management support.
Application view By clicking on the same link that was sent via email when the application was created, the applicant can monitor the application process after submission. Read priorities and recommendations from management Read any comments from the secretariat Read the decision, including the awarded amount, project number and any comments associated with the decision
Questions Answers to most questions can be found in the instructions. Instructions are available in all parts of the form. Other questions can be addressed to: Please provide your application ID when enquiring