“It Is the Lord” John 21:1-11 The Assembled Church Serving in the Flesh Jesus’ Intervention A Great Discovery
“It Is the Lord” John 21:1-11 The Assembled Church Chapter 21 is an epilogue that is parallel to the prologue of John 1:1-14. John 1:1-14 summarizes the pre-incarnate activity of Jesus. John 21 summarizes the post-resurrection activity of Jesus. This is all about the Church.
“It Is the Lord” John 21:1-11 The Assembled Church At the cross, the shepherd had been smitten and the sheep had scattered. The disciples begin to gather in Galilee as had been prescribed. Their gathering is one of the greatest proofs of the resurrection. God’s perseverance is shown here in the disciples who are mentioned.
“It Is the Lord” John 21:1-11 Serving in the Flesh The second point is the possibility of serving Christ in the flesh and accomplishing nothing. We find Peter fishing with the others and catching nothing. Jesus uses this to teach them to follow Him in their fishing and He will bring a harvest! Jesus had spoken of this analogy before!
“It Is the Lord” John 21:1-11 Jesus’ Intervention We find some very tired, hungry, and discouraged disciples. Most likely they were not thinking about Jesus at all. When they least expected it, Jesus seeks them out and shows Himself and His plan to them.
“It Is the Lord” John 21:1-11 Jesus’ Intervention How did Jesus seek them out? Jesus asks a question to reveal the disciples’ needs and failures. (Notice how God likes to ask questions.) Jesus then gives them a command. Why the right side? The point is not where the work is done or how but that it is at God’s direction! Now the Lord sends blessings. (Notice that the net stays intact this time.)
“It Is the Lord” John 21:1-11 A Great Discovery Note that at the beginning of the story none of the disciples recognized Him. When they obeyed His instructions and participated in the catch, they immediately saw the Lord in all this. “It is the Lord”
“It Is the Lord” John 21:1-11 Application Have you recognized the Lord in your life? Does God seem far off at times? Are you obeying His instructions and participating by walking with Him? If you are not recognizing Him, what are you going to do about it?