Key Stage 2 Expectations for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling from Year 3 through to 6.
Aims of the workshop: We hope to give you an insight into The new curriculum expectations for Grammar, Punctuation and spelling in Key Stage 2. What your children will be learning over the four years. How your children’s attainment and progress are assessed and tracked. How you may be able to support your child’s grammar, punctuation and spelling at home.
At this point in Key Stage 2, your children are tested on their understanding of the key concepts taught over the four years.
How can you help at home? Help your child to learn their weekly spellings and how they can be used in context. Explore the spelling pattern or rule with them in other words that may not be on the list. Learn exceptions to the rule. Help build their vocabulary by introducing them to new words and by using a thesaurus and dictionary at home. Read regularly with your child – good readers make good writers. Use the glossary to help reinforce their understanding of terminology used in school relevant to their age group. Use the recommended word list and support your child in learning to spell these by the end of the phase.
Helping you child to learn these words at home would be a great way to support your child in developing their writing.
Please take some time to look at the sample test papers for each year group out on the tables at the back. A teacher will be on hand to answer any questions you have. We welcome parents who would like to come and speak to us about their child’s progress in this area of the curriculum, as support from home can make a huge difference in their understanding and their writing benefits greatly as a result.