The West Transformed Jeopardy Moving West 100 200 300 400 500 Native Americans 100 200 300 400 500 Important People 100 200 300 400 500 Maps 100 200 300 400 500 Vocabulary 100 200 300 400 500
Self appointed law keepers Vocabulary for 100 Self appointed law keepers Who are vigilanties?
Vocabulary for 200 Government grants of land and loans of money. What are subsidies?
Vocabulary for 300 Name for the small sled and cone shaped tents that Native Americans used. What are: A travois? And a tepee?
Vocabulary for 400 This gave Native Americans 160 acres of land to farm and forced their children to go to school. What is the Dawes Act?
Vocabulary for 500 The name of the political party that supported the gold and silver standard for the basis of our money supply. Who is the Populist Party?
Important people for 100 The leader of the Souix. Who was Sitting Bull?
Important People for 200 Made his last stand at Little Big Horn against ten to one odds. Who was Colonel George Armstrong Custer?
Important People for 300 Who was Chief Joseph ? Leader of the Nez Perces who surrendered at the Canadian border to the U.S. Army and said “I shall fight no more forever”. Who was Chief Joseph ?
Important People for 400 Presidential candidate in 1896 who lost because of his ties to the Populist Party. Who is William Jennings Bryan?
Important People for 500 Man from Illinois who founded Abilene, Kansas as the first cow town. Who is Joseph McCoy?
This was the preferred animal for pulling wagons to the West. MOVING WEST for 100 This was the preferred animal for pulling wagons to the West. What are oxen? Three reasons? Stronger Ate available plants Indians less likely to steal
These three groups were used as workers building the railroads. MOVING WEST for 200 These three groups were used as workers building the railroads. Daily Double! Who are: Civil War Union Army veterans Chinese immigrants Irish immigrants Group honored at finish and why. Chinese: hardworking / quick learners
People who moved West in search of gold were called this. MOVING WEST for 300 People who moved West in search of gold were called this. What are 49ers? The person who described the gold fields as “plentiful as mud.” Horace Greeley
These people got to keep the land if they farmed it for 5 years. MOVING WEST for 400 These people got to keep the land if they farmed it for 5 years. Who are homesteaders? Two materials used as fuel by homesteaders. Buffalo/cow “chips” (dung); sunflower stalks, weeds, sticks.
What is May 10, 1869 at Promontory Point, Utah? MOVING WEST for 500 The Transcontinental Railroad was completed on this date and at this place. What is May 10, 1869 at Promontory Point, Utah? Impact of Transcontinental Railroad. Sold land to settlers; easier to settle and transport goods/people; unified country; created towns
Native Americans for 100 The sacred animal of the Native Americans. What is the buffalo?
Native Americans for 200 In 1851 the American government made this agreement, “as long as the grass shall grow”, with the Plains nations if they would promise to stop following the buffalo and settle. What is the Fort Laramie Treaty?
Native Americans for 300 The horns and the bones of the buffalo could be made into this. What were tools?
Native Americans for 400 The southern Plains nations – the Kiowas, Comanches, and Arapahos – moved to this reservation. What was Oklahoma?
Who was Helen Hunt Jackson? Native Americans for 500 Lady reformer who wrote A Century of Dishonor which recorded many of the broken treaties made by the American government. Who was Helen Hunt Jackson?
MAPS for 100 This range of mountains is in southwestern corner of the United States. What are the Sierra Nevada Mountains?
MAPS for 200 State where the Comstock Lode and Virginia City are found. What is Nevada?
MAPS for 300 What was Sacramento? City in California where the Central Pacific began its journey east. What was Sacramento?
MAPS for 400 City in Nebraska where the Union Pacific began its journey west. What was Omaha?
MAPS for 500 Territory where the Sand Creek Massacre happened in 1864. What is Colorado?
This is Final Jeopardy!!!! Possible Answers Give two examples of attempts in which Native American groups and the United States government tried to settle disputes. Possible Answers Some treaties promised to protect Native American lands, but settlers pushing west, including miners and railroad crews, broke these treaties. Examples from the text may include the following: The Fort Laramie Treaty was an agreement that the Native Americans of the Great Plains would stop following the buffalo in exchange for government protection of their land. Almost immediately, miners began to move into Native American lands. Other treaties forced tribal leaders to give up land; these were resisted by warriors who attacked settlers and supply trains. In the Chivington Massacre, a troop led by Colonel John Chivington attacked a band of non-combatant Cheyenne and killed more than 100 people, even after the chief had raised a white flag signaling peace. In the 1870s, the huge herds of buffalo on the plains began to shrink as they were hunted for food, sport, and profit. Native Americans had depended on the buffalo for food, clothing, and shelter for generations. Many Native Americans were forced to move to reservations, where the soil was often too poor for farming and they had to struggle to survive. The Native Americans won a few battles against the United States army, but in the end they were defeated. For example, the Nez Perces attempted to flee to Canada and were ultimately forced to surrender. The Navajos and Apache in the Southwest attacked settlers and also resisted the United States army, but they too were eventually defeated. After several battles between Native American nations and the United States government and the settlers, some Sioux Indians began the Ghost Dance, a ceremony invoking the ghosts of the Sioux ancestors. The government outlawed this ceremony, and eventually defeated the Sioux at the Battle of Wounded Knee, which proved to be the last battle of the Indian wars.