Mini Presentation With a partner, you will choose one of the organizations on the following slide to research and present to the class in a (mini) presentation. After choosing a partner and an organization, you should start by visiting the organization’s website to get a sense of what they do. I recommend opening up a Word or Google Doc and typing some of your own notes about the organization before designing any sort of presentation. Find relevant information first and then consider how you will reduce it to the most importance points. Design a brief presentation (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi) covering the following information: History: Why/how/when was the organization formed? Mission: What does the organization do? Involvement: What is ONE issue that this organization is currently involved in? How is the organization helping?
The Presentation… Your presentation should have 4-6 slides that cover the history, mission, and involvement of your organization. Think about elements of a good presentation: Do not put too much information on each slide (the rest of the class will be taking notes on your presentation) Avoid using full sentences; never put block quotes or paragraphs of info Only put talking points on each slide and elaborate while presenting Choose a good design and color scheme that is appealing, easy on the eyes, and relevant to the topic Include visual elements that support your content (e.g., logo, charts, photographs of your organization at work, etc.) – avoid animations Proof read
Grade Content (10 points): Did you include the required information? Is it concise? Do the slides stick to the most pertinent information? Is content elaborated upon during the presentation? Preparation (5 points): Is the presentation well-organized? Is it clear that the presenters have coordinated beforehand (e.g., regarding who will cover what info)? Do the presenters know what they’re talking about, or do they have to read off of the presentation? Delivery (5 points): Do the presenters speak clearly, slowly, and loud enough for the class to hear? Do the presenters have good eye contact? Visual appeal (5 points): Is the design appropriate and easy to read? Is there a balance of words and images? Total: 25 points
Organizations: Special programs/agencies of the United Nations: NGOs Human Rights Watch Oxfam Greenpeace Doctors Without Borders CARE International Article 19 Special programs/agencies of the United Nations: UNICEF UNESCO World Health Organization (WHO) International Labor Organization (ILO) Other IGOs: INTERPOL International Organization for Migration (IOM)