Singular and Plural Nouns
Names one person, place, thing or animal. SingularNoun Names one person, place, thing or animal.
Examples penguin student restaurant chair
Names more than one person, place, thing or animal. Plural Noun Names more than one person, place, thing or animal.
Add –s to make most nouns plural. Rule Add –s to make most nouns plural.
Examples girl girls tortoise tortoises camera cameras monkey monkeys
Add –es to nouns ending in s, ss, x, z, ch, and sh. Rule Add –es to nouns ending in s, ss, x, z, ch, and sh.
Examples walrus walruses moss mosses bush bushes beach beaches fox foxes ditch ditches
When a noun ends with a consonant and y, change y to i and add –es. Rule When a noun ends with a consonant and y, change y to i and add –es.
Examples puppy puppies kitty kitties daisy daisies canary canaries bunny bunnies guppy guppies