BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM Currently seeking Charity status Overview Bassetlaw Christian Heritage (BCH) is an organisation bringing together churches and other organisations in and around Bassetlaw, North Nottinghamshire, to gather, organise, present and promote information, and facilitate activities relating to its Christian Heritage. Vision Statement To be an internationally known and respected reference point for faith with its roots in and around Bassetlaw. Mission Statement To provide an internationally recognised tourist environment based on faith with its roots established in and around Bassetlaw, North Nottinghamshire, focused within 30 miles of Retford. Proposition/Brand Statement Committed to supporting and facilitating events and activities for people who seek to understand faith through its roots in and around Bassetlaw, North Nottinghamshire Environment We operate within two overlapping markets: quality tourism, based on knowledge and education, within England Christian heritage internationally. 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM Pilgrims’ Journey 1620 Thanksgiving 2015 - 2020 Retford Plymouth 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
Bassetlaw District Council “We are really excited about 2020. The whole Mayflower 400 initiative has brought us new contacts locally, nationally and internationally and we welcome the opportunity to showcase our unique role in the Mayflower Pilgrims story” Neil Taylor Chief Executive, Bassetlaw District Council 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
Illuminate 400 – 26 November 2015 The Route to Retford “as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many” William Bradford. Lanterns to be lit at ceremonies in the churches/historic buildings at: Austerfield Scrooby Babworth Gainsborough Sturton Transported to St Swithun’s Retford by 16.00, in time for 18.00 Service 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
Exhibition - 26 November 2015 Retford Town Hall 10.00 – 16.00 Exhibition Performances from Talegate Theatre at 11.00 and 14.00 ‘Why did it happen here?’- talk by Adrian Gray at 12.30 Leaflets available from local churches and organisations 16.00 – 19.30 If possible (tbc) – video streaming of: the lanterns’ progress the service at St Swithun’s Illuminate 400 photo 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
Service at St Swithun’s - 26 November 2015 Invitation List – managed by BDC Wave 1 – RSVP by 9 October Wave 2 – RSVP asap, but by end October Service Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham Ryton Chorale Post 16 Drama centre ‘Illuminate 400’ photo in St Swithun’s churchyard after service (weather permitting) 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
Illuminate 400 – Plymouth, UK - 2014 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
Civic Reception at Retford Town Hall – 26 November 2015 19.00 – 21.00 (ish) Civic reception Welcome from Cllr Gwynneth Jones Bassetlaw District Council BCH - Overview of the Pilgrim Story and its relevance to the Retford area BCH - role in and around Bassetlaw, North Nottinghamshire Opportunity to view the exhibition/network 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM Opportunities – People – Retford Area (Austerfield – Gainsborough – source: Pilgrim Fathers Feasibility Study, 2015) Normal Year Anniversary Year (2020) Day visits 5000 independent visits from home 2000 organised group visits 500 foreign visitors (day visit from London) Staying Visits 1000 foreign tourists (organised) 500 foreign visitors (overnight visits from London) 500 UK residents making overnight trips Day Visits 14000 independent visits from home 4000 organised group visits 2000 foreign visitors (day visit from London) Staying Visits 2000 foreign tourists (organised) 2000 foreign visitors (overnight visits from London) 2000 UK residents making overnight trips 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM Opportunities - Money Increasing level of events leading Up to 2020 Beyond Pilgrims-themed: Activities Products Promotions US/UK connections Improved infrastructure Improved communications Established annual event Year-round visitor spend Economic Impact for Bassetlaw, North Nottinghamshire (mostly Retford Area) – source: Pilgrim Fathers Feasibility Study 2015 Day spend up from £255k to £680k Staying visitor spend up fro £316k to £948k Total direct spending up from £571k to £1628k Current Multiplier effect of £0.5m gives total economic impact of £1m per year Anniversary year (2020) Multiplier effect of £1.6m gives total economic impact of £3m 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM Help!!! We need resources: Money Materials People We need volunteers to Fill vacancies Administrator Treasurer Assist at events: Welcome-stewards at the Service Welcome-stewards at the Town Hall Exhibitions Retford Town Hall Worksop, The Crossing Transport the lanterns 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM Areas of activity Promoting and supporting the Retford area with the Pilgrim story/Mayflower 400 Gathering of historic stories from local churches (within 30 miles of Retford) Oral Histories from local parishes Education/Learning (promoting the inclusion of local Christian Heritage) 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM Diary Dates 2016 Thomas Helwys 12 March 2016 Illuminate 2016 24 November 2016 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM
BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM Media Currently working on: Website – Twitter – @BCHeritage1 Email – Facebook – Heritage-159196564421677/timeline/ Or contact me at 05/10/2015 (updated 21/10/15) BASSETLAW CHRISTIAN HERITAGE/RETFORD BUSINESS FORUM