Rhetorical Modes.


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Presentation transcript:

Rhetorical Modes

What is a rhetorical mode? “The manner in which writers convey and develop their purpose to the reader.”

Descriptive Mode Describes a person, place, or thing Provides a mental picture for your reader Appeals to the senses Uses lively and specific details

Descriptive Mode

Narrative Mode Tells a story Limits the subject to a day or an event Uses natural language Incorporates lively details

Narrative Mode

Expository Mode Writing to explain Process Analysis (How is it done) Shows how a process is done so readers can perform the task Groups the steps and explains how to perform each step Defines any terms the reader may not know Maintains chronological order and uses transition words

Process Analysis

Cause and Effect Why it occurs Shows why something has happened Focuses on a specific event or situation Gives evidence that the explanation is sound State the effect, then deal with the causes State the cause, then close with the effect

Cause and Effect

Definition What something is Identifies the thing to be defined May offer the word’s etymological roots or historical roots Describes the distinguishing characteristics of the thing or term Provides illustrations and examples


Compare/Contrast Examines two subjects for similarities and/or differences

Argument To share convictions To take a stand on an issue you care about State the problem and your stance Appeals to intellect more than emotion Supports argument by using reason, facts, statistics, authoritative opinions, and copious examples. Anticipates objections and refutes them

Argument Pick one of your favorite films. Formulate an argument as to why it is your favorite film. What criteria do you consider when judging a film Acting Directing Cinematography Script Music Special effects

Criticism To share evaluation Form an opinion of a work of art or literature Defend your opinion with examples and descriptions from the work Agree or disagree with other opinions of the work Come to a conclusion about the aesthetic and social value of the work

Criticism- Marcel Duchamp’s The Fountain