Reconstruction Social Effects
Amendments during Reconstruction 13th Amendment- Ended the practice of slavery 14th Amendment- Granted freed people citizenship 15th Amendment- Protected a citizen’s right to vote regardless of race
Emancipated Slaves and the Freedmans’ Bureau To help newly freed slaves, the Freedman’s Bureau helped them find shelter, food, and education
Jim Crow South Begins… South still aimed to limit the rights of African Americans Black Codes- laws designed to limit African Americans rights Jim Crow Laws- established segregation in the South
Ku Klux Klan
Rebuilding Southern Economy Sharecropping- Poor farmers would borrow land from landowners and “share” the crops Keeps poor people and freed blacks in debt Landowning rich maintained control
End of Reconstruction In the Election of 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden tie in the electoral college. Compromise of 1877- Rutherford B. Hayes is made president and ends Reconstruction and in exchange… a. Military protection must leave South b. Government must build a southern transcontinental railroad c. Ex-confederates allowed into government again