Small flowers in clusters Heart shaped leaf Good accent flower Ageratum Small flowers in clusters Heart shaped leaf Good accent flower pink, purple, white, blue
Impatiens Leaves and flowers are about the same size Like shady areas Pointy leaves
Snapdragon Tower of bell flowers Squeeze them & they look like they’re talking
Feathered Celosia Looks like feathers
Cockscomb Celosia Small & bushy Resembles a rooster’s comb
Begonia Small Flowers Shiny green leaves Good in hanging baskets Like the sun
Coleus Foliage plant Colors in the leaves People collect different varieties of them
Fuchsia Gourd shaped flowers Long ivy-like stems
Petunia Deep cone shaped flower Attracts sphinx moths, and hummingbirds Used for bedding, low edging, and potting
Salvia Spiked, long, thin flower Used in the back row of a garden because they’re so tall
Dusty Miller Frosty foliage that turns green when you water it Good accent plant
Marigold Fancy dandilion Used for bedding, borders, or cut flowers Does well in sunny locations and handles a drought well
Verbena Leathery leaf with a serated edge Similar to a geranium
Pansy Tolerant of frost and cold weather Usually the first flowers you see on the new in the spring when the weather guy is on the roof of the building
Zinnia Looks like a Koosh ball