Instructions Anything written in yellow (SLOW down and pay attention) is useful information. You should write it in your notes IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Anything in red (STOP and pay close attention) is critical information and should be copied exactly. Anything in green (GO on to the next point) you do not have to write. In this unit we’ll be discussing the civilizations of Arabia, ultimately focusing on the Empire of Islam. This is our first unit taking place outside of Europe. Exciting! Here’s a quick preview.
Battle! 2
H TRUE STORY HISTORY H entertainment presents
R NOT REAL Pirates:
Brain Snack . . . .
Draw It! Picture/artist
Draw a pirate. Picture/artist
Pirate Basics: No Skulls on Hats ‘No parrots Arrrr! No wooden legs Didn’’t say “Arr!” Arrrr!
The Beginnings
The Triangular Trade X No, they did not trade triangles… or any shapes for that matter. It was called the triangular trade because it involved 3 groups. Gold came from the Americas, slaves came from Africa, finished goods (tools, furniture, etc.) came from Europe. Dude, I totally got a sack of triangles to trade! Sweet! I’ll trade you these circles!
The Spanish Main The Pope gave Spain rights over the area we now call the Caribbean. They called it The Spanish Main. They did not allow people from other countries to explore or trade in the area.
The Buccaneers
Buccaneers A group of Frenchmen settled in the Caribbean to hunt cows. Spain didn’t want them there so they killed all the cows. The buccaneers didn’t leave. Instead, they started stealing from ships in the local seas. That’s right, they became pirates!
History Joke!
Excuse me. How much is that corn? It is on sale! It’s a buck-an-ear!
The Privateers
Privateers Since they couldn’t trade in the Spanish Main, other countries hired sailors to attack (and rob) Spanish ships. These soldiers could only attack enemy ships and only with written permission. They were not controlled by the government though, they could attack any enemy ship. They then split the profits with the government.
Privateers Sometimes they would attack without permission so they didn’t have to share. Once Spain let the others trade and explore the privateers were officially out of a job. They didn’t quit though. Instead, they started robbing ships from ANY nation! That’s right, they became pirates!