The Glass Pipeline It’s all about Supply Chain Visibility Wilson Lee Director of Information Technology
What is Supply Chain Visibility Why is it important to us? Event Management Collaboration Execution & Planning Monitoring & Visibility Manufacturing and retail industry leaders are now looking at end-to-end supply chain processes and it has significantly increased the visibility capabilities a 3PL needs in order to match their requirements
What happened in the last 50 years… Domestic Manufacturing Domestic Distribution Domestic Market 60’s Age of Brand Building Domestic Manufacturing Outsource Domestic Distribution Domestic Market 70’s Age of Manufacturing Optimization Offshore Outsource Manufacturing Domestic Distribution International Market International Freight to Destination DC 80’s Sourcing 90’s Offshore Outsource Manufacturing Multi-modal International Freight/Express International Tiered Market Distributed Offshore Distribution Age of Supply Chain Optimization 00’s Supply Chain Management
Imagine you are… the VP, Logistics of a MNC How to close down the DC against the Union? How can I move those activities along the supply chain out of this expensive place? Who can I trust? You’re continuously regarded as a heavy cost center or a costly supporting function out of the Corporation’s core competence. Frontline Brands have increasing demand on cutting cost. One day, you are sitting in your US Headquarters office struggling with your survival in the Corporation, what are you thinking now . . . . . . ?
An Opportunity for us We have the established network of facilities, partners and relationships throughout China & Asia. Low cost country sourcing and distribution hubs are continuously shifting into the region. Major foreign companies have higher expectations on their logistics service providers, both in terms of the services offered and the levels of performance. These foreign companies are forced to look to their major 3PL partners to support expanded global operations. Logistics operation is further regarded as their non-core competence to be outsourced. The matter is how the service providers can provide the confidence for these companies to let go their supply chain control. We have the logistics infrastructure in place, it needs to be able to offer the services that these large foreign companies regard as compelling in order to maximize market potential.
Today’s Global 3PL Services Model Domestic Logistics Center Domestic Delivery Destination Overseas Logistics Hub Overseas Factory Affiliated Customs Broker Forwarding Delivery Forwarding/Delivery Export Import Logistics for Manufacturing Logistics for Sales Logistics for Overseas Order Placement for Customers Customer (Factory) Raw Material Manufacturers OMS WMS TMS FMS Key Success Factor – A tool to manage this complex scenario. Give confidence to Supply Chain owner to be hands-off from their Supply Chain !
The SCM Value Proposition Supply Chain Owner’s feeling on Outsourcing: Willing to Supply Chain Solution Supply Chain Modeling Total Supply Chain Outsourcing Ability to Design Comfortable Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Visibility & Proactive Management Ability to Manage Worry Discrete Logistics Services Operational Capabilities (WMS, TMS, FMS, T&T) Ability to Operate Value Added
The SCM Value Proposition Highly Sustainable Business Supply Chain Solution Supply Chain Modeling Total Supply Chain Outsourcing Margin Revenue Margin Ability to Design Customer Retention Ability to Manage Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Visibility & Proactive Management Ability to Operate Value Added Discrete Logistics Services Operational Capabilities (WMS, TMS, FMS, T&T)
What is Supply Chain Visibility? Supply Chain Modeling Supply Chain Visibility Pipeline Visibility Cost Visibility Event Management
Three Elements of Visibility Pipeline Visibility Cross Business Units / Service Providers Item Tracking Capability. Event Management Relationship Management between Supply Chain Nodes with event triggered actions to enable proactive Supply Chain Management. Cost Visibility Cost Element Identification down to piece level in each of the Supply Chain Nodes.
The Kerry Logistics Approach - KerrierVISION A Service Oriented Architecture Initial Goal – Pipeline Visibility Ultimate Goal – Cost Visibility Medium Term Goal – Supply Chain Event Management KerrierVISION SCV Portal Standard EVENTS SERVICE Application Systems E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Other Application Sources ??? Kerrier Applications WMS TMS FMS SSS
Visualized Supply Chain
Integrated View along the Supply Chain
Event Driven Alert & Action
SKU Level Visibility
Forecast Capability
Importance of Visibility According to Aberdeen research … fully 79% of executives at large enterprises (over US$1B) point to poor supply chain visibility as their top concern for managing their global supply chain operations. Supply chain visibility technology users are: 2.4 times as likely to have reduced their inventory levels since 2004. Three times as likely to have faster order to delivery times. Twice as likely to have an on-time delivery rate of 95 percent or higher. The Supply Chain Visibility Roadmap, November 2006, Aberdeen Group
Design the supply chain The High End Job Hong Kong’s edge Design the supply chain Develop HK as the regional supply chain designer. Control the supply chain Develop HK as the regional supply chain control center. Business Intelligence. Business Performance Management. Information Brokerage. DESIGN EXECUTE
Excessive Stock is just a matter of supply chain inefficiency Excessive Stock is just a matter of supply chain inefficiency! Thank You