Teacher Earth Science Education Programme PARTNERS PRINCIPAL PLATINUM This slide must be displayed before talk commences GOLD
Teacher Earth Science Education Programme PARTNERS SILVER The Australian National University Department of Primary Industries, Vic Pitney Bowes Business Insight PowerWorks Queensland Resources Council Rob Kirk Consultants The University of Sydney University of Tasmania BRONZE Anglo Coal Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation CS Energy Department of Sustainability and Environment, Vic Essential Petroleum Flinders University Gordon Wakelin King Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee Hot Dry Rocks Macquarie University Sandy Menpes Monash Energy Museum Victoria Our Water Our Future, Vic Petroleum Geo-Services Primary Industries and Resources SA Stanwell Corporation Velseis ZeroGen This slide must be displayed before talk commences
Teacher Earth Science Education Programme Round and Round with Rocks Tracey Lawson Queensland Resources Council Manager, Teacher Professional Development Greg McNamara TESEP Executive Officer This slide must be displayed before talk commences
Round and Round with Rocks In this session: Geological Time Scale Plate Tectonics Rock Cycle Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks Principles of Stratigraphy Geological Cross-sections Intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks Resources THIS PAGE SETS THE SCENE
Image Courtesy of USGS http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/time.html Deep time What is geological time? The age of planet Earth Close to 4.6 billion years Absolute dates based on Based on radioactive decay Tight correlation with radiometric dates Relative dates based on Sequences in the rock record Layering, Fossils, Cross-cutting Correlations Image Courtesy of USGS http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/time.html Activities Rock Back in Time (Down to Earth) Geological Time Scale Interactive Animations Evolution Animation THIS SLIDE DEFINES DEEP TIME It should be emphasised that time has not varied BUT the rate of evolutionary change has. Only the last 700Ma are usually highlighted due to the biocentric view point created by hardpart fossilisation. Good extra information at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/change/deeptime/low_bandwidth.html IMAGE SOURCE: USGS http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/time.html
Image Courtesy of USGS http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/time.html THIS SLIDE IS A NICE CLOSE UP IMAGE SOURCE: USGS http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/time.html Image Courtesy of USGS http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/time.html
Image and additional information from: THIS IMAGE ALLOWS US TO SHOW HOW THE TIME SCALE IS DIVIDED UP AND ALSO ALLOWS US TO HIGHLIGHT THE ABSOLUTE DATES This is a good point to also mention that this is a living document that changes – names and dates – as new information and better techniques amend our understanding and redefine time periods Image and additional information from: University of Calgary – geoscience department http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/~macrae/timescale/timescale.html ALSO The GA site http://www.ga.gov.au/education/geoscience-basics/aus-through-time.jsp has an excellent poster in pdf form that can be downloaded for free. It is the latest AUSTRALIAN timescale and has a host of other associated climate and geological information. This poster has been provided in print form for TESEP to distribute to workshop attendees and the A1 pdf is also on the CD of resource materials. Image Courtesy University of Calgary http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/time.html
Plate Tectonics Theory to explain observed evidence for large scale motions of the Earth’s lithosphere Activities Science of Mining (p13 – 19) AGSO/USGS Plate Tectonic Model Biscuit Plate Tectonics Hand Model Animations Plate Boundaries THIS SLIDE HIGHLIGHTS HOW MUCH OF HISTORY IS WITHOUT A COMPLEX FOSSIL RECORD Image Courtesy USGS
Rock Cycle The geological processes that form rocks is cyclical. Each type of sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic rock can be changed into each other type of rock. This is known as the rock cycle. Experiments Investigating the rock cycle (SoM p36 – 37) Science Rocks (p26 – 28) Activities Rocky recipes (SR p24 – 25) Interactive Animation Animation Activity The animation shows American examples of landscapes formed by erosion. Use the internet and other resources to find Australian examples of these landscapes. THIS SLIDE ALLOWS THE PRESENTER TO INTRODUCE TO THE TALK THE EVIDENCE AVAILABLE TO GEOLOGISTS TO DETERMINE CLIMATIC INFORMATION FROM DEEP TIME Image Courtesy of: http://www.rocksandminerals4u.com/images/rock-cycle-diagram-im.jpg
Sedimentary rocks Formed when sediments are cemented together THIS SLIDE INTRODUCES SOME OF THE KEY EVIDENCE USED BY GEOLOGISTS TO INVESTIGATE CLIMATES THROUGH DEEP TIME EXAMPLES FROM ROCKS: Red beds: Wide spread sedimentary rocks that have a distinctive red colour. The red colour, mainly as the iron oxide mineral haematite, can be derived from a variety of sources but can be formed (as sediments are deposited) by the dehydration of the common hydrous iron oxides such as goethite and limonite. This process can only occur in soils where dry, well drained conditions prevail most of the time. Can be used to interpret an arid or very seasonal climate. CARE must be taken to ensure the redness has this origin and is not from secondary processes in buried rocks. Tillites: deposits formed from deposition from melting glacial tongues and icebergs. Clearly indicates a cold climate with lots of ice around. Minerals: Abundant feldpar in sedimentary rocks can, in conjunction with other evidence, be used to imply an arid environment. Ikaite and Geldonite are unusual carbonate minerals that can only form at temperatures near the freezing point of water and thus their presence in sediments is indicative of prevailing cold climate conditions. See http://www.rocksforkids.com/R&M/glendonite.htm EXAMPLES FROM FOSSILS: Many animals and plants are restricted to certain climate zones and therefore their fossils are indicative of the prevailing climate. An example from Australia: Dinosaur, mammal and plant fossils from Souther Victoria found in rocks that were 80 degrees South indicate the polar regions at 100Ma were much warmer than today. Another Australian example: Mammal fossils from central Australia together with other fossils indicate time about 20Ma when it was wet and humid, not dry and arid. EXAMPLES FROM ISOTOPES: Oxygen isotope fraction: O18-O16 ratios vary through time. Seawater molecules that contain the lighter isotope, oxygen-16, evaporate at a slightly faster rate than water molecules containing the 12% heavier oxygen-18; this disparity increases at lower temperatures.[85] During periods of lower global temperatures, snow and rain from that evaporated water tends to be higher in oxygen-16, and the seawater left behind tends to be higher in oxygen-18. Marine organisms then incorporate more oxygen-18 into their skeletons and shells than they would in a warmer climate. We can also directly measure this ratio in the water molecules of ice core samples that are up to several hundreds of thousands of years old. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen_isotope_ratio_cycle Sedimentary rocks Formed when sediments are cemented together Experiments Weathering (Physical and Chemical Act 1 - ESEU) Deposition Demo Lithification of Sediments (Act 4 – ESEU) Making conglomerate Activities Sedimentary Rock Vodcast Rocky Road Conglomerate Animations Image Courtesy of http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/1051/25002102.JPG
Principles of stratigraphy THIS SLIDE ALLOWS THE AUDIENCE TO SEE HOW CLIMATE HAS CHANGED THROUGH DEEP BUT ALSO ALLOWS US TO DISCUSS WHY THE EVIDENCE IS HARDER TO FIND AND INTERPRET THE FURTHER BACK IN TIME ONE GOES. Good time to talk about data resolution. IMAGE SOURCE: - GM Principles of stratigraphy Principle of Superposition oldest layers on the bottom Principle of Original Horizontality all layers were originally deposited horizontally Principle of Cross-cutting Relationships anything that crosses over something else must be the youngest e.g. intrusions, faults Principle of Inclusions anything included in something else must be older than the thing in which it is included e.g. sedimentary rocks, stoping Principle of causality an event cannot precede its cause
Image Courtesy of http://www.winona.edu/geology/MRW/maps.htm Geological cross-sections Diagrams that show the patterns of rocks as they would exist under the Earth’s surface; can be interpreted to determine the geological events that occurred in the region Activities A slice of geological cake Drawing cross-sections from drill core data Using 3-D GIS model on OresomeResources.com Animations THIS SLIDE FOCUSES ON THE LAST 500MY WHERE DATA RESOLUTION IS BETTER Also good time to mention this graph generated mostly from Oxygen Isotope ratio data Image from: http://www.globalwarmingart.com/wiki/Image:Phanerozoic_Climate_Chan ge_Rev_png Image Courtesy of http://www.winona.edu/geology/MRW/maps.htm
Metamorphic rocks Metamorphic Rocks THIS SLIDE ALLOWS US TO TALK ABOUT A TIME WITH A SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT CLIMATE So why was the Cretaceous climate so warm? Plate Tectonics The different land-sea configurations provide a partial explanation. In the middle Cretaceous, sea level was higher than at any other time during the past 250 million years. The greater proportion of continental surface covered by seawater resulted in reduced seasonal variations in temperature because of the lower surface albedo and greater thermal capacity of water. Seaways covering the Arctic, West Antarctica, and parts of East Antarctica also provided a means for heat transport to both poles throughout the year. With Australia against Antarctica and the Drake Passage closed, ocean surface currents sourced in the tropics reached further poleward than they do today, providing an additional moderating effect on Antarctic climate. Greenhouse gases Computer simulations of Cretaceous climate indicate that radiative warming caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations (principally CO2) [were more important than paleogeography in explaining Cretaceous global warmth (9). Estimates of Cretaceous pCO2 generally range from four to eight times preindustrial values, and some intervals, such as the Turonian- Coniacian , may have exceeded this amount severalfold (perhaps explaining the warming spike observed for that time). Climate models have revealed, however, that although CO2-induced warming can approximate globally averaged temperatures for the Cretaceous, the models predict steeper latitudinal temperature gradients (both warmer tropics and colder poles) than geologic data seem to allow. This has led some to suggest that the oceans played a greater role in transporting heat from the tropics to the poles than they do today, particularly through sinking of dense, saline waters formed in restricted low-latitude basins. Anoxic events: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoxic_event See: http://www.scotese.com/lcretcli.htm Also see: http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/tropical_paradise_at_the_cretace.ht m http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/cretaceous/climate.html Metamorphic rocks Metamorphic Rocks formed as a result of heat and pressure being applied to pre-existing rocks Activities Properties of MM Rocks (SOM p33-34) Identifying MM Rocks Crossword Animations Image Courtesy of http://www.cropsoil.uga.edu/soilsandhydrology/Important%20Rocks%20&%20Minerals.htm`
Igneous rocks Igneous Rocks Experiments Activities Animated Notes THIS SLIDE ALLOWS US TO TALK ABOUT A TIME WITH A SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT CLIMATE So why was the Cretaceous climate so warm? Plate Tectonics The different land-sea configurations provide a partial explanation. In the middle Cretaceous, sea level was higher than at any other time during the past 250 million years. The greater proportion of continental surface covered by seawater resulted in reduced seasonal variations in temperature because of the lower surface albedo and greater thermal capacity of water. Seaways covering the Arctic, West Antarctica, and parts of East Antarctica also provided a means for heat transport to both poles throughout the year. With Australia against Antarctica and the Drake Passage closed, ocean surface currents sourced in the tropics reached further poleward than they do today, providing an additional moderating effect on Antarctic climate. Greenhouse gases Computer simulations of Cretaceous climate indicate that radiative warming caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations (principally CO2) [were more important than paleogeography in explaining Cretaceous global warmth (9). Estimates of Cretaceous pCO2 generally range from four to eight times preindustrial values, and some intervals, such as the Turonian- Coniacian , may have exceeded this amount severalfold (perhaps explaining the warming spike observed for that time). Climate models have revealed, however, that although CO2-induced warming can approximate globally averaged temperatures for the Cretaceous, the models predict steeper latitudinal temperature gradients (both warmer tropics and colder poles) than geologic data seem to allow. This has led some to suggest that the oceans played a greater role in transporting heat from the tropics to the poles than they do today, particularly through sinking of dense, saline waters formed in restricted low-latitude basins. Anoxic events: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoxic_event See: http://www.scotese.com/lcretcli.htm Also see: http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/tropical_paradise_at_the_cretace.ht m http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/cretaceous/climate.html Igneous rocks Igneous Rocks formed when molten material cools and crystallises above (extrusive) or below (intrusive) the Earth’s surface Experiments Heating and cooling igneous rocks (SR p29 and extension with BB) Activities Identifying igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks (SR p 55 – 57) Animated Notes Difference between intrusive and extrusive based on crystal size Animation Image Courtesy of http://seis.natsci.csulb.edu/basicgeo/IGNEOUS_ROCKS_QUIZ/Granite_Xenolith_closeup.jpeg
Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks THIS SLIDE ALLOWS US TO TALK ABOUT A TIME WITH A SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT CLIMATE So why was the Cretaceous climate so warm? Plate Tectonics The different land-sea configurations provide a partial explanation. In the middle Cretaceous, sea level was higher than at any other time during the past 250 million years. The greater proportion of continental surface covered by seawater resulted in reduced seasonal variations in temperature because of the lower surface albedo and greater thermal capacity of water. Seaways covering the Arctic, West Antarctica, and parts of East Antarctica also provided a means for heat transport to both poles throughout the year. With Australia against Antarctica and the Drake Passage closed, ocean surface currents sourced in the tropics reached further poleward than they do today, providing an additional moderating effect on Antarctic climate. Greenhouse gases Computer simulations of Cretaceous climate indicate that radiative warming caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations (principally CO2) [were more important than paleogeography in explaining Cretaceous global warmth (9). Estimates of Cretaceous pCO2 generally range from four to eight times preindustrial values, and some intervals, such as the Turonian- Coniacian , may have exceeded this amount severalfold (perhaps explaining the warming spike observed for that time). Climate models have revealed, however, that although CO2-induced warming can approximate globally averaged temperatures for the Cretaceous, the models predict steeper latitudinal temperature gradients (both warmer tropics and colder poles) than geologic data seem to allow. This has led some to suggest that the oceans played a greater role in transporting heat from the tropics to the poles than they do today, particularly through sinking of dense, saline waters formed in restricted low-latitude basins. Anoxic events: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoxic_event See: http://www.scotese.com/lcretcli.htm Also see: http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/tropical_paradise_at_the_cretace.ht m http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/cretaceous/climate.html Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks Intrusive Igneous Rocks formed when magma cools and crystallises below the surface of the Earth Extrusive Igneous Rocks formed when lava cools on the surface of the Earth Experiments Crystal growing (SR p 58 – 59) Affect of Temp on Crystal Growth (SoM p28) Activities Demo – A volcano in the lab (ESEU p20 – 21) Coffee Intrusions How silicate chemistry affects viscosity AGSO/USGS Model Volcanoes Image Courtesy of http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Volcanic-Eruption-Arenal-Volcano-Costa-Rica-Posters_i1100429_.htm
THIS SLIDE ALLOWS US TO TALK ABOUT A TIME WITH A SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT CLIMATE So why was the Cretaceous climate so warm? Plate Tectonics The different land-sea configurations provide a partial explanation. In the middle Cretaceous, sea level was higher than at any other time during the past 250 million years. The greater proportion of continental surface covered by seawater resulted in reduced seasonal variations in temperature because of the lower surface albedo and greater thermal capacity of water. Seaways covering the Arctic, West Antarctica, and parts of East Antarctica also provided a means for heat transport to both poles throughout the year. With Australia against Antarctica and the Drake Passage closed, ocean surface currents sourced in the tropics reached further poleward than they do today, providing an additional moderating effect on Antarctic climate. Greenhouse gases Computer simulations of Cretaceous climate indicate that radiative warming caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations (principally CO2) [were more important than paleogeography in explaining Cretaceous global warmth (9). Estimates of Cretaceous pCO2 generally range from four to eight times preindustrial values, and some intervals, such as the Turonian- Coniacian , may have exceeded this amount severalfold (perhaps explaining the warming spike observed for that time). Climate models have revealed, however, that although CO2-induced warming can approximate globally averaged temperatures for the Cretaceous, the models predict steeper latitudinal temperature gradients (both warmer tropics and colder poles) than geologic data seem to allow. This has led some to suggest that the oceans played a greater role in transporting heat from the tropics to the poles than they do today, particularly through sinking of dense, saline waters formed in restricted low-latitude basins. Anoxic events: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoxic_event See: http://www.scotese.com/lcretcli.htm Also see: http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/tropical_paradise_at_the_cretace.ht m http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/cretaceous/climate.html Field trip To find out information about a field trip that would be useful in your local area, visit: www.oresomeresources.com/virtual field trip
Useful resources CD Provided at this PD THIS SLIDE ALLOWS US TO TALK ABOUT A TIME WITH A SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT CLIMATE So why was the Cretaceous climate so warm? Plate Tectonics The different land-sea configurations provide a partial explanation. In the middle Cretaceous, sea level was higher than at any other time during the past 250 million years. The greater proportion of continental surface covered by seawater resulted in reduced seasonal variations in temperature because of the lower surface albedo and greater thermal capacity of water. Seaways covering the Arctic, West Antarctica, and parts of East Antarctica also provided a means for heat transport to both poles throughout the year. With Australia against Antarctica and the Drake Passage closed, ocean surface currents sourced in the tropics reached further poleward than they do today, providing an additional moderating effect on Antarctic climate. Greenhouse gases Computer simulations of Cretaceous climate indicate that radiative warming caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations (principally CO2) [were more important than paleogeography in explaining Cretaceous global warmth (9). Estimates of Cretaceous pCO2 generally range from four to eight times preindustrial values, and some intervals, such as the Turonian- Coniacian , may have exceeded this amount severalfold (perhaps explaining the warming spike observed for that time). Climate models have revealed, however, that although CO2-induced warming can approximate globally averaged temperatures for the Cretaceous, the models predict steeper latitudinal temperature gradients (both warmer tropics and colder poles) than geologic data seem to allow. This has led some to suggest that the oceans played a greater role in transporting heat from the tropics to the poles than they do today, particularly through sinking of dense, saline waters formed in restricted low-latitude basins. Anoxic events: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoxic_event See: http://www.scotese.com/lcretcli.htm Also see: http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/tropical_paradise_at_the_cretace.ht m http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/cretaceous/climate.html Useful resources CD Provided at this PD word documents, pdf files, website links PESA posters and questions Rock Cycle Game Down to Earth, Oresome Froth, Unearth Your Future and various other materials on display
THIS SLIDE ALLOWS US TO TALK ABOUT A TIME WITH A SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT CLIMATE So why was the Cretaceous climate so warm? Plate Tectonics The different land-sea configurations provide a partial explanation. In the middle Cretaceous, sea level was higher than at any other time during the past 250 million years. The greater proportion of continental surface covered by seawater resulted in reduced seasonal variations in temperature because of the lower surface albedo and greater thermal capacity of water. Seaways covering the Arctic, West Antarctica, and parts of East Antarctica also provided a means for heat transport to both poles throughout the year. With Australia against Antarctica and the Drake Passage closed, ocean surface currents sourced in the tropics reached further poleward than they do today, providing an additional moderating effect on Antarctic climate. Greenhouse gases Computer simulations of Cretaceous climate indicate that radiative warming caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations (principally CO2) [were more important than paleogeography in explaining Cretaceous global warmth (9). Estimates of Cretaceous pCO2 generally range from four to eight times preindustrial values, and some intervals, such as the Turonian- Coniacian , may have exceeded this amount severalfold (perhaps explaining the warming spike observed for that time). Climate models have revealed, however, that although CO2-induced warming can approximate globally averaged temperatures for the Cretaceous, the models predict steeper latitudinal temperature gradients (both warmer tropics and colder poles) than geologic data seem to allow. This has led some to suggest that the oceans played a greater role in transporting heat from the tropics to the poles than they do today, particularly through sinking of dense, saline waters formed in restricted low-latitude basins. Anoxic events: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoxic_event See: http://www.scotese.com/lcretcli.htm Also see: http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/tropical_paradise_at_the_cretace.ht m http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/cretaceous/climate.html Useful Websites http://www.oresomeresources.com http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/gsl/site/GSL/rockcycle http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/chemistry/changestoearthandatmosphere/ http://www.geosciencepathways.org.au http://www.gsa.org.au/resources/education.html http://science.uniserve.edu.au/school/curric/stage6/ees/dynamic.html http://www.earthscienceeducation.com/workshops/worksheets/dynamic_rock_cycle.pdf
Putting it together Creating a unit of work for your classroom THIS SLIDE ALLOWS US TO TALK ABOUT A TIME WITH A SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT CLIMATE So why was the Cretaceous climate so warm? Plate Tectonics The different land-sea configurations provide a partial explanation. In the middle Cretaceous, sea level was higher than at any other time during the past 250 million years. The greater proportion of continental surface covered by seawater resulted in reduced seasonal variations in temperature because of the lower surface albedo and greater thermal capacity of water. Seaways covering the Arctic, West Antarctica, and parts of East Antarctica also provided a means for heat transport to both poles throughout the year. With Australia against Antarctica and the Drake Passage closed, ocean surface currents sourced in the tropics reached further poleward than they do today, providing an additional moderating effect on Antarctic climate. Greenhouse gases Computer simulations of Cretaceous climate indicate that radiative warming caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations (principally CO2) [were more important than paleogeography in explaining Cretaceous global warmth (9). Estimates of Cretaceous pCO2 generally range from four to eight times preindustrial values, and some intervals, such as the Turonian- Coniacian , may have exceeded this amount severalfold (perhaps explaining the warming spike observed for that time). Climate models have revealed, however, that although CO2-induced warming can approximate globally averaged temperatures for the Cretaceous, the models predict steeper latitudinal temperature gradients (both warmer tropics and colder poles) than geologic data seem to allow. This has led some to suggest that the oceans played a greater role in transporting heat from the tropics to the poles than they do today, particularly through sinking of dense, saline waters formed in restricted low-latitude basins. Anoxic events: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anoxic_event See: http://www.scotese.com/lcretcli.htm Also see: http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/tropical_paradise_at_the_cretace.ht m http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/cretaceous/climate.html Putting it together Creating a unit of work for your classroom Sequence of activities Assessment ideas Field Work Other useful resources OresomeResources Science Rocks (QRC Publication) Science of Mining (QRC Publication) Teaching the Dynamic Earth (ESEU / UKOOA Publication)
Geoscience Pathways TESEP uses this fabulous website to distribute materials www.geosciencepathways.org.au ALL TESEP MATERIALS WILL EVENTUALLY GO ON LINE HERE TEACHERS CAN ALSO USE THIS SITE AS A PLACE TO PLACE THEIR OWN MATERIALS
Please partner! Executive Officer, Greg McNamara TESEP will only succeed in the long term if we continue to grow our partnerships Contact either Executive Officer, Greg McNamara eo@tesep.org.au Chairperson, Jill Stevens cp@tesep.org.au to discuss the options
Partners TESEP wishes to thank the following partners PRINCIPAL PLATINUM GOLD
Partners SILVER BRONZE The Australian National University Department of Primary Industries, Vic Pitney Bowes Business Insight PowerWorks Queensland Resources Council Rob Kirk Consultants The University of Sydney University of Tasmania BRONZE Anglo Coal Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation CS Energy Department of Sustainability and Environment, Vic Essential Petroleum Flinders University Gordon Wakelin King Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee Hot Dry Rocks Macquarie University Sandy Menpes Monash Energy Museum Victoria Our Water Our Future, Vic Petroleum Geo-Services Primary Industries and Resources SA Stanwell Corporation Velseis ZeroGen
TESEP Also wishes to thank: Australian Geoscience Council Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Geoscience Australia Minerals Council Australia
Thank you