Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) Sponsoring Partners Day: Naace 10 July 2006 Alison Kitson, Programme Leader (CPD)
Overview TTA to TDA TDA’s remit for teachers’ CPD in the context of New Professionalism Review of standards for classroom teachers in the context of a changing landscape Current work, including with subject associations Challenges in CPD
TTA to TDA Extended remit: government’s ‘modernising agency’ for the school workforce Key directorates: ITT Teachers Wider Workforce Children Development Strategy
TDA’s remit for teachers’ CPD To bring coherence to the occupational and professional standards used throughout the school workforce. To provide clear, high quality guidance to schools on CPD and human resources and to give clear leadership to local authorities in these areas. To monitor the quality and coverage of CPD and help to shape strategy and priorities. To co-ordinate specific CPD programmes, where appropriate.
CPD at the heart of the profession ‘New Professionalism’ agenda with a strong focus on professional development: ‘career progression and financial rewards go to those who are making the biggest contribution to pupil attainment, those who are continually developing their own expertise, and those who are helping to develop expertise in others’ – DfES five year strategy for children and learners Revision of performance management Revised standards for classroom teachers Schools’ self-evaluation
Rationale for the review of standards for classroom teachers To achieve a coherent and progressive framework which will provide a reference point for teachers as they review and plan their training and development Previous standards written at different times and for different purposes New agendas The revised Performance Management arrangements (Planning and Review Meeting) and the introduction of the Excellent Teacher scheme
Process of review Autumn developmental seminars and on line consultation Using the evidence base Writing group’s initial drafting Reviewing and further development Winter consultation seminars and on line consultation on draft standards Revising drafts in light of consultation Advice to Secretary of State DfES consultation
Uses of the Standards The Standards will: set expectations; set out career routes and guide aspirations; be used to inform Performance Management discussions; facilitate fair and consistent decisions regarding development and progression; help to identify professional development needs and support coaching and mentoring.
A changing landscape: the revised standards Children’s agenda e.g. Q5, Q15, Q18 Q5: Recognise and respect the contribution that colleagues, parents and carers can make to the development and well-being of children and young people and to raising their levels of attainment. Q15: Understand how children develop and that the progress and well-being of learners are affected by a range of developmental, social, religious, ethnic, cultural and linguistic influences Q18: (a) Be aware of current legal requirements and policy concerning the well-being of children and young people (b) Know how to identify and support children and young people whose progress, development or well-being is affected by changes or difficulties in their personal circumstances, and when to refer them to colleagues for specialist support
Workforce remodelling e.g. Q6, Q17 & Q27-28: Q6: Have a commitment to collaboration and co-operative working with colleagues Q17: Know and understand the roles of colleagues with specific responsibilities, including those with responsibility for learners with special educational needs and disabilities and other individual learning needs. Q27: Work as a team member and identify opportunities for working with colleagues, sharing the development of effective practice with them. Q28: Ensure that colleagues working with them are appropriately involved in supporting learning and understand the roles they are expected to fulfil.
Personalised learning e.g. Q10 & Q16 Q10: have a knowledge and understanding of a range of teaching, learning and behaviour management strategies and know how to adapt them, including how to personalise opportunities for all learners to achieve their potential Q16: Know how to make effective personalised provision for those they teach in so far as this is practicable, including those for whom English is an Additional Language, and how to take account of diversity and promote equality and inclusion in their teaching.
Personal professional development e.g. Q 7, 8 & 9 Q7: (a) reflect on and improve their practice, and take responsibility for identifying and meeting their professional development needs (b) Complete a career entry profile Q8: Have a creative and constructively critical approach towards innovation; being prepared to adapt their practice where benefits and improvement are identified Q9: Act upon advice and feedback and be open to coaching and mentoring
Assessment e.g. Q11 & Q21-Q24 Q21: Make effective use of a range of assessment, monitoring and recording strategies Q22: Provide timely, accurate and constructive feedback on learners’ attainment, progress and areas for development Q23: Support and guide learners to reflect on the progress they have made and identify their emerging needs Q24: Evaluate the impact of their teaching on the progress of all learners and modify their planning and classroom practice where necessary.
Examples of progression QTS to induction: Context of the workplace Induction to Post-Threshold: Contributing actively to whole school issues, guiding others Post-Threshold to Excellent Teacher: A more critical understanding, taking a lead, extensive/deep knowledge, broader perspective, innovation, developing others Excellent teacher to AST: Additional challenge of a range of contexts
Links to CPD Revised standards will: Further support and guidance: form the ‘backdrop’ to the Planning and Review meetings (Performance Management); provide teachers with clarity about CPD needs; stimulate the demand for CPD; require a commitment to professional development. Further support and guidance: exemplification; performance management .
Other areas of work National Reference Group Work with subject associations Postgraduate professional development Induction Return to teach Training and Development Testbed Project Mathematics for those without a conventional background
Work with subject associations DfES package: SASG (Subject Association Steering Group) TDA strands: Chartered Teacher Status Current position Opportunities Challenges Online/distance learning
CPD challenges For teachers For schools For providers For TDA