ROSSHALL ACADEMY “Our School Our Future”
Our Shared Values Aspiration Compassion Creativity Integrity Perseverance Respect
Integrity DEFINITIONS Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code adherence to moral principles; honesty moral soundness ALWAYS DOING THE RIGHT THING EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW NO ONE ELSE IS LOOKING uprightness, honesty, and sincerity
Integrity depends on TRUST OPENESS HONESTY
We Show Integrity When… We keep to our word and don’t let others down: - I will turn up to help out tomorrow - My project will be handed in on the day I promised - I will meet up with you at the arranged time
We Show Integrity When… We accept responsibility for our wrongdoing Own up to poor behaviour Apologise for the effect it has had on others Try your best to put things right Don’t blame others!
We Show Integrity When… …we tell the truth even when we know we won’t be found out Make people confident that you are always honest
We Show Integrity When… …we are open and honest with people we make our thoughts and feelings known in an appropriate way what we say to one person is the same as we say to another
this will make us better people in If we all show INTEGRITY in OUR SCHOOL this will make us better people in OUR FUTURE