Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 6


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Presentation transcript:

Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 6 Term 1: Life and Living Nutrients in food (PPT 2)

Topic 2 Nutrients in food Food groups Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

carbohydrates proteins fats and oils vitamins and minerals The four food groups carbohydrates proteins fats and oils vitamins and minerals Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Carbohydrates The most important source of energy for the body. This energy is needed for growth and movement. The body is able to convert carbohydrates into fat for long-term energy storage. Runners and cyclists eat a lot of pasta before a race to store energy in their bodies. Examples: pasta, samp, potatoes, cereal, mealie meal, porridge, bread. Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Carbohydrates Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Proteins (1) Proteins are the building blocks of our body. Proteins are used to build our body’s muscles. Proteins are used to repair broken tissues. Protein is also used to reserve energy (If you eat protein, for example an egg, you will feel fuller for longer). Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Proteins (2) Proteins are used by your immune system to fight off infection. Muscles, organs and red blood cells are mostly made up of protein. Red blood cells play a vital role in carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Examples: meat, fish, chicken, eggs, beans, milk, cheese, chickpeas, beans, lentils, nuts and soya. Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Proteins Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Fats and Oils (1) Fats and oils are used to: Provide insulation and protection for nerves and organs. Store energy (in the form of body fats). Fats and oils are stored under the skin to insulate us (keep us warm). Fats and oils are stored around our organs in layers to protect them from injury, for example, our kidneys. Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Fats and Oils (2) Fats and oils are stored in our bodies to be used as reserved energy if there is a shortage of carbohydrates. Examples: butter, margarine, sardines, cooking oils, nuts, peanut butter and avocado pears. Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Fats and Oils Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

VITAMINS AND MINERALS Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Vitamins and Minerals (1) Vitamins and minerals are used for: Building healthy bones and teeth. Maintaining a healthy immune system. Two of the most important vitamins and minerals are: Sodium (keeps the correct balance of water in the body). Calcium (strengthen bones and teeth). Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Vitamins and Minerals (2) Most vitamins are made by plants. We are able to get our vitamins and minerals from: the food we eat; vitamin supplements; the sun. Examples: Fresh fruit and vegetables and vitamin supplements. Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2

Water Water does not belong to a particular food group but it is an important part of our daily diet. Water is needed to: regulate different body functions; help our body digest the solid food we eat. Gr 6 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 1, Topic 2