Tier III Tier II Tier I A THREE TIERED APPROACH TO ADDRESSING LEARNING NEEDS Tier III Refer for Special Education assessment with a focus on processing weaknesses Continued lack of response to intervention Tier II Continue to monitor and record academic growth Provide intensive, research based interventions focused on weaknesses Focused academic assessment for students showing minimal response to intervention Tier I Monitor and record academic growth Provide additional instruction for “at risk students” Early screening for indictors of processing weakness
Tier I Early Screening Measures: Dynamic Indicators of Early Basic Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Test of Phomemic Awareness (TOPA) Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) Subtests Measuring Phonemic Awareness, Rapid Automatic Naming, Graphomotor Fluency, Vocabulary e.g. WJ-III, WIAT-II, NEPSY, DAS, WISC-III Tier I Monitor and record academic growth Provide additional instruction for “at risk students Early screening for indictors of processing weakness
Tier II Focused Academic Assessment Measures: WJIII (Academic Scales) WIAT II Process Assessment of the Learner (PAL) Continue to monitor and record academic growth Provide intensive, high quality interventions focused on weaknesses Tier II Focused academic assessment for students showing minimal response to intervention Measures to record and monitor academic growth: Fox in a Box
Tier III Special Education Assessment: Refer for Special Education Assessment with a Focus on Processing Weaknesses Continued Lack of Response to intervention Special Education Assessment: Verify that student is significantly sub-average in academic performance Rule out other diagnoses, e.g. Not Sensory Impairment, Not MR, Not ED Rule out exclusionary factors (attendance, cultural, linguistic) Identify areas of significant processing weakness Verify link between academic weaknesses and processing weakness