Men’s Journey Group Winter/Spring 2018 the enemy within by Kris Lundgaard
Getting Started Recite the verse you memorized Go ahead and begin discussing questions #2, 4 & 6 on pg 140 Jer 6:14 – They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, Peace,’ when there is no peace. 5 Minutes
Discuss Questions 2, 4 & 6 on page 140 Chapter Questions Discuss Questions 2, 4 & 6 on page 140 2) answers will vary. (leave ourselves open for more sin, we stand outside God’s will, destroy our faith, various other answers) 4 )Answers will vary. (as we discussed in the last chapter, God’s peace is one that makes us humble and trusting. It trusts God when he declares sin as bad even when it looks enticing. It kills future sin because we are truly grieved at the amazing closeness that we have to a holy God and we do not want to pollute the relationship) 6) Answers will vary (examples of giving false peace and how it affected your relationship with God and others – answers vary) 25 Minutes
False Peace Vs. God’s Peace Flesh’s Peace God’s Peace Hate the: feelings of sin Vs. defilement separation of sin Peace come by: logic alone Vs. the words of God Fast No joy or contentment No change in life Slow, consistent adds joy or contentment changes in future battles So far we discussed how sin works (mind, affections, will – attacking you in that order) Then we discussed why the flesh is so hard to fight… because it: destroys your satisfaction and love for what God has done for you (and tries to convince you that the satisfaction you want can be found outside of God in the world – and it fights dirty to do this) Last time we discussed how we can put sin to death: *Getting a solid dose of God’s holiness and how infinitely distanced you are from him. The result will be that you will be: -humble -you will respect and honor God -you will not want to sin ------- NOW What happens when we do sin? How do we get right again with God the right way? God’s Peace source: God Reason: mercy Declared by: JC After reflection on: our souls *it will grow to be a familiar experience *it will drain the flesh of future power to sin *it will create soul satisfying peace Flesh’s Peace Source: flesh Reason: to kill the pangs of conscience Declared by: us After reflecting on: the consequences of sin, or the uneasy conscience You can tell it’s the flesh if: -you don’t hate the sin you did (you hate the consequences and not so much hate the defilement toward God) -peace comes by pure logic (it’s fast, it’s cold and has no joy or contentment in your soul, it does not change your life) -it is marked by a casual attitude -it is a peace that is selective to one part or section of your life Peace come by: casual attitude Vs. peace that comes through faith and is treaded as wonderful Peace is a selective forgiveness Vs. Peace that is broken over all sins not just some
2 Sam 12:13-23 ! ? Arend 25 Minutes
Reminders As You Leave Make sure you have: signed the attendance roster MJG worksheet Last Meeting on the 1st of May! Summer MJG? Men’s Shooting Event and Breakfast May 5th