hb 22 industry certifications Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. hb 22 industry certifications April 2018 Presented by: Melissa Lemons
CONTENTS Industry Certification Reporting Requirement Changes (HB 22) Addition/Deletion of Codes for the C214 – INDUSTRY- CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE table
2017-2018 School Year Changes to Industry Certifications Reporting In the Fall of 2017-2018, the Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) were revised to allow all high school graduates, who had achieved a post-secondary certification, to be reported as such regardless of the high school graduation plan. Formerly, the reporting was limited to Foundation High School Program (FHSP) graduates. This change was necessary since HB 22 changed the Accountability Ratings in the Student Achievement Domain to include any student that earned a post-secondary certification.
2018-2019 School Year Changes to Industry Certifications Reporting Due to the importance of industry certification data in the accountability system, and to ensure that all schools are aware of the reporting opportunity on high school graduates regarding Post-Secondary Industry Certifications and Licensures, the Texas Education Agency has made the FIRST- POST-SECONDARY-INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE a mandatory field in the StudentGraduationProgramExtension complex type.
Rule Text / Business Meaning HB 22 Industry Certification Business Validation Changes Revised rule to apply to all graduates and not just Foundation High School Program (FHSP) graduates. Rule Applies To Rule # Rule Text / Business Meaning Error Level TSDS PEIMS Sub ESC District Campus Charter 40203-0010 (revised) If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01", then there must be student graduation program data with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID. F 1 X If a leaver has graduated, then student graduation program data must be reported for that student. Business Rule Text was: If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01" and GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is "34" or "54"-"57", then there must be student graduation program data with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID. Business Meaning was: If a leaver has graduated under the Foundation High School Program (TX-GraduationTypeCode "34" or "54"-"57"), then student graduation program data must be reported for that student. Note: Graduates with TX-GraduationTypeCode "35" do not report FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement or the FHSP Endorsement Indicators, so they do not report graduation program data.
CONTENTS Industry Certification Reporting Requirement Changes (HB 22) Addition/Deletion of Codes for the C214 – INDUSTRY- CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE table
C214 INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE For the 2018-2019 school year the C214 – INDUSTRY- CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE table has been updated to consolidate ASE Heating and ASE Air Conditioning into one code as they are issued as one industry certification. 110-ASE Air Conditioning has been deleted. 180-ASE Heating has been deleted 181-ASE Heating and Air Conditioning has been added. The reason for this change is that the ASE Air Conditioning and ASE Heating are earned as one certification and not two different certifications.
INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE C214 INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE Code 110-ASE Air Conditioning and 180-ASE Heating have been deleted from the C214 code table. Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Updated C214 INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE TX-IndustryCertificationLicensureCode 3/1/2017 3/1/2018 Translation 000 Not Applicable 100 API Welding 110 ASE Air Conditioning 120 ASE Auto Transmission 130 ASE Automobile Service Technology 140 ASE Brakes 150 ASE Electronic Systems 160 ASE Engine Performance 170 ASE Engine Repair 180 ASE Heating 181 ASE Heating and Air Conditioning 190 ASE Maintenance Light Repair Code 110 and 180 have been deleted.
INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE C214 INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE Code 181 – ASE Heating and Air Conditioning has been added to the C214 code table. Code Table ID Name XML Name Date Issued Updated C214 INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE TX-IndustryCertificationLicensureCode 3/1/2017 3/1/2018 Translation 000 Not Applicable 100 API Welding 120 ASE Auto Transmission 130 ASE Automobile Service Technology 140 ASE Brakes 150 ASE Electronic Systems 160 ASE Engine Performance 170 ASE Engine Repair 181 ASE Heating and Air Conditioning 190 ASE Maintenance Light Repair 181 has been added to the C214 code table.
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