Peer Editing/ Paper Writing Idiom: Two heads are better than one! What do I look for when I am editing a peer’s paper?
Goals for today What is the importance of being able to edit a peer’s paper? It allows you to assess whether or not you yourself understand the material. Giving feedback to each other is a sign of wisdom.
Approach to editing Give critical but constructive feedback.
First page No title Nothing bolded
Book title The Adventures of Tom Sawyer should always be written in italics. Every time it is not written in italics will be considered one grammatical mistake.
Use third person As the author of your own paper, do not use the following words in your paper: I Me My
Quotations Quotation within a sentence: On the first day that they ran away, “Tom encouraged them to swim” and fish in the river (Twain 136). Paraphrase: On the first day that they were on the island, Tom organized the three of them to go swimming and fishing (Twain 136). Full quotation: The boys ran away for a week. Each day, they had a lot of fun. “Tom encouraged them to swim” (Twain 136). This was one of their favorite activities while they were gone. Note: The period always comes after the (parentheses). There are always “quotation marks” around the quote.
Quote within a quote “The switched hovered in the air. The peril was desperate. ‘My Aunt! Look behind you’ ” (Twain 2).
Use only past OR present tense If your peer decides to write in present tense, every time past tense is used, it will be counted as one grammatical mistake.
Capitalization People’s names Cities States River names Island names Do not use “Finn” because no one in the book calls him that. It is Huck or Huckleberry. Aunt Pollly (both Aunt and Polly are capitalized) Dr. Robinson (Dr. is capitalized and has a period) Cities States River names Island names Bible
General grammar Never have more than one conjunction in a sentence: For And Nor But Or Yet So If you do, it is a run-on sentence.
Content: The most important part! Does the quotation support the argument? Does your peer explain how the quotation supports the argument? Does the argument in each paragraph support the thesis? Does each paragraph have a topic sentence and a concluding sentence? Does each topic sentence make the paper flow well, from paragraph to paragraph?