What it means to be a Christian
What it means to be a Christian In this study we will notice: What is a Christian? Becoming a Christian What hinders me from becoming a Christian? Growing as a Christian What hinders me from growing? The Christian and the body of Christ The Christian and others Am I done yet? What it means to be a Christian
Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Some simply don’t believe We are living in times when fewer believe in the Bible or God. Even more reject the necessity of the Bible World religions, ecumenism and worldviews also contribute to religious confusion Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Some simply don’t believe But the Bible demands that we believe in God and the Son, as well as its teachings 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 the gospel is veiled to those who do not believe Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Some simply don’t believe Luke 8:5, 12 – the wayside John 12:37-40, 6:64 – they did not believe Him 2 Thessalonians 2:12 There is not much we can do for a hardened heart until he rethinks his life Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Faulty thinking Contributing to unbelief, there are many who think wrong about their salvation and the gospel Psalm 94:11, the thoughts of man are futile Romans 1:21, man became futile in their thoughts Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Faulty thinking Some say: I’m not good enough – Titus 3:4-5, Romans 5:8 I’m good enough – Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:10, Titus 3:5 I have plenty of time – James 4:14 I hate God – He is blamed for all that is wrong in one’s life and/or in the world Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Faulty thinking Some say: I’m not lost – false plans Matthew 7:21-23 Obeying the gospel begins with proper thinking – 2 Corinthians 10:5, Acts 2:37 Faulty thinking will leave one lost! Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
They don’t want to deal with sin To be a Christian, you must deal with your sins – Acts 22:16, 1 John 3:9, Romans 6:1-2 We have a sin problem with our society John 3:18-19, Job 24:13-17, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 The love of sin has also watered down the truth (cf. 2 Timothy 4:2-4) Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Consequences Some understand the truth, but are not willing to accept the consequences Becoming a Christian is politically incorrect, cf. John 12:43 It may cost you your job or other opportunities Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Consequences It may cost you your family, Matthew 10:34-38 Accepting the truth might mean family is lost – cf. Luke 16:27-28 Will we pay the price? Luke 14:33. Jesus did! 1 Peter 2:24 John 15:18 Consider the cost of rejecting Him – Matthew 16:26 Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Hypocrisy God despises hypocrisy James 3:17 Right or wrong, when we are hypocritical it can drive people away It gives “fuel” to our critics. Are we inconsistent as a society? We can live without hypocrisy – Romans 12:9 Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Ignorance Many don’t know what they need to do. Or they have been taught error Ignorance will not save – Acts 17:30-31 In this we can do something! Let us not be the reason why some are ignorant! Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
“One thing you lack” Luke 18:22, the rich, young ruler His love for money kept him from following Jesus Many today have that “one thing” that keeps them from obeying the gospel! Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Dealing with hindrances Most of these require them to accept the need for change Romans 14:12 Knowing what hinders can help us prepare to help SOME overcome their hindrances – cf. 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Dealing with hindrances Let your light shine – Philippians 2:15 Even among our enemies – Matthew 5:44-48 Help them overcome ignorance and faulty thinking with the truth – 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Dealing with hindrances Teach if you can, some are still willing to study We may need to back off for awhile! But don’t forget about them Don’t let them drag you down spiritually – 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Dealing with hindrances Pray for them! They need it! Put it in God’s hands – 1 Corinthians 3:6 (More on these tonight!) Hindrances to Becoming a Christian
Are these reasons, or are they excuses Are these reasons, or are they excuses? John 5:39-40, You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.
Don’t let hindrances keep you out of heaven!