Education and Training Statistics Working Group 24-25/9/2007 Up-date of Eurostat activities Context elements 24-25 /09/ 2007 ETS working group
Council conclusions on a coherent framework Full use participation in pre-school education (UOE) early school leavers (LFS) upper-secondary completion rates of young people (UOE) higher education graduates (UOE) participation of adults in lifelong learning (LFS, AES, CVTS) cross-national mobility of students in higher education (UOE) educational attainment of the population (LFS) Further clarification special needs education (UOE) ICT skills (ICT survey) Investment in education (UOE) 24-25/09/2007 ETS working group
Other important policy concerns Employability Returns Socio economic background Evolution of the HEI (from education and R&D perspective) 24-25/09/2007 ETS working group
MS priorities in the UOE multi annual planning Cross-cutting issues Ranking II UOE revision policy 1 3 Timeliness III Guidelines on UOE estimation techniques Cost-effectiveness of the UOE data collection 4 2 Policy relevance of the UOE data 5 Coverage of the UOE data 7 Data missing or partly missing Domain specific issues 19 Education finance 19.1 Private expenditures on education 11 Student mobility 17 Output measures (drop out rates and duration) 19.2 Financial aid to students 24-25/09/2007 ETS working group
Bologna process: London Communiqué On higher education Social dimension of the process, participative equity Employability Mobility 24-25/09/2007 ETS working group
Eurostat approach To improve UOE process Timeliness Revision policy Estimations To improve UOE coverage and quality Special education needs Mobility of students Education expenditure Output measures Instrument: LLL regulation and UOE implementing act 24-25/09/2007 ETS working group
Eurostat approach CVTS: to disseminate, analyse and evaluate before the next round AES: to disseminate, analyse and evaluate before the next round, in the EHS context 24-25/09/2007 ETS working group
Eurostat approach – non specific data sources LFS Improvements in NEAC Improvements in field of study Regular introduction of socio economic background? Better use of the education variables (employability, parents education, etc) SILC To start using it – mainly for returns Quality assessment in the context of NEAC SES, TUS, etc 24-25/09/2007 ETS working group