Gender statistics in the ESS Issues and challenges Michel GLAUDE Director “Social statistics and Information Society” EUROSTAT 10 December 2007 Global Forum on Gender Statistics
The Political Framework A more than 10 years old concern The “dual approach” - Gender mainstreaming - Specific measures Many structures for monitoring European Institute for Gender Equality Resources : PROGRESS 2007-2013 The 2006-2010 Roadmap 10 December 2007 Global Forum on Gender Statistics
Road map for equality between women and men 2006-2010 Objectives and Keys actions concerning: Equal economic independence for women and men Reconciliation of private and professional life Equal representation in decision making Eradication of all forms of gender based violence Elimination of gender stereotypes Promotion of gender equality in external and development policies Improving governance for gender equality 10 December 2007 Global Forum on Gender Statistics
Indicators for monitoring progress A long list of indicators associated to each policy area… …making the best use of Eurostat main data collections: - Labour Force Survey for employment, unemployment, working conditions and segregation on the labour market - EU-SILC for Poverty and child care - Structure of Earnings Survey for Gender Pay Gap - Demographic statistics for Healthy Life Years - UOE data base for educational attainment - Time Use Survey for share of domestic work… And specific data bases for Women participation in decision making and in Science and technology 10 December 2007 Global Forum on Gender Statistics
Future Challenges (1) Extend data collection on gender statistics for: - ICT usage - reconciliation between Work and Family life (2010 LFS ad-hoc module) - Health (EHIS in 2008) - Education and Life Long Learning (AES around 2006) - Crime (development of a victimisation Survey) Improve Quality and Comparability - along the lines of the European Statistics Code of Practice - specifically for the Gender Pay Gap 10 December 2007 Global Forum on Gender Statistics
Future Challenges (2) Develop a more flexible approach to better respond to Community needs: The EHS project witch give the possibility of more “ad-hoc modules”. Enhance the dissemination of gender statistics (user friendly Websites and attractive publications) Deepen the analysis of the underlying factors by: - more econometric studies (for example: adjusted GPG) - more attitudinal and behavioural questions (fertility, labour supply, reconciliation…) - disseminating anonymised microdata bases to researchers 10 December 2007 Global Forum on Gender Statistics