OBRAZOVANJE ZA RAST I RAZVOJ Nacionalno vijeće za konkurentnost Ivan Vidakovic Opatija, 04.03.2005.
Dijagnoza stanja u hrvatskom obrazovanju Niska razina obrazovanosti Premala izdvajanja za obrazovanje - i države, i lokalnih zajednica, i gospodarstva Neprimjerenost obrazovnih programa Nedefiniranost znanja i vještina potrebnih gospodarstvu RH
Glavni ciljevi promjena obrazovanja za rast i razvoj (1) Poboljšanje obrazovne strukture radno sposobnog stanovništva, prvenstveno porast udjela visokoobrazovanih u radnoj snazi Trajno osuvremenjavanje sadržaja i metoda obrazovanja na svim razinama obrazovnog sustava te usmjerenost na razvijanje temeljnih kompetencija Uspostava sustava vrednovanja i samovrednovanja kvalitete procesa i rezultata obrazovnog sustava
Glavni ciljevi promjena obrazovanja za rast i razvoj (2) Povećanje ulaganja gospodarstva i države u obrazovanje Što veće uključivanje djece u predškolski odgoj
Preporuke (1) Povećati uključenost odraslih u programe dodatnog obrazovanja Obavljati procjenu znanja i vještina potrebnih na budućem tržištu rada Prilagoditi obrazovne programe razvoju znanja i vještina potrebnih budućnosti Povećati vertikalnu i horizontalnu prohodnost poslijeobaveznog obrazovnog sustava Unaprijediti visoko obrazovanje
Preporuke (2) Povećati broj studenata prirodnih i tehničkih znanosti Osuvremeniti obrazovanje nastavnika (‘poučiti učitelje’) Provesti eksternu i međunarodnu evaluaciju, te povećati ulogu društva Povećati ulogu privatnog sektora u obrazovanju Povećati državna ulaganja u obrazovanje Uključiti što više djece u predškolski odgoj
Nacionalno vijeće za konkurentnost www.konkurentnost.hr/nvk
Driving Innovation A Framework for Action Ivan Vidakovic Opatija, 04.03.2005.
What Is Innovation? True innovation begins at intersection of invention and insight Fusion of new developments and new approaches to solve real problems Significant value created for society or business: Creates new industries and markets Spurs productivity and economic growth Fuels wealth creation and profits Generates high-value, higher-paying jobs Raises standard of living
Innovations That Ignited Growth Steam Engine Automotive Assembly Transistor Plastic
Nature of Innovation Changing From To Invention Innovation Linear innovation model Dynamic innovation mode Build to forecasted demand Sense and respond to demand Independent Interdependent Single discipline Multiple Discipline Product functions Value to customer Local R&D teams Globalized 24x7 R&D teams
New Economic Superpowers in 2050 New Economic Superpowers in 2050? China Overtakes the G3; India Close Behind GDP ’03US$bn 50000 China US India 25000 Japan Germany 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Pace of Innovation Accelerating Newer technologies taking hold at double or triple previous rates 100 Television Electricity Telephone Radio Automobile VCR 50 % Penetration PC Cellular Internet 25 50 75 100 125 150 Years
Temeljne kompetencije
“Learning is what most adults will be doing for a living in the 21st century.” Sidney Perelman Economist As we’ve worked with these clients and thousands like them around the world – we’ve gathered three key insights that are helping us and our customers to move from the theory of becoming and on demand business … to the reality of actually operating as an on demand business. I’m going to spend the rest of the presentation going into more detail on each of these insights – but let me start by teeing them up … The first major insight – the need for flexibility and innovation is forcing organizations to become more componentized. To break down the overall business into the pieces (or components) that make it up. This allows an organization to stop looking at itself through lenses such as organization, geography and product or customer segment – and start looking at itself through the lens of what is actually being done. Second, applications are evolving on a similar path – they’re becoming increasingly modular. So instead of focusing on big monolithic applications that are made up of millions of lines of code, organizations are beginning to think about discrete modular elements of application functionality – that can more easily be modified and changed to meet the needs of the business. And our third insight has to do with the infrastructure that’s required. Today’s infrastructure is complex. It’s rigid. Too often the limitations of the way it’s been implemented force the business to compromise its approach to solving problems. That has to change. The business pressures that are forcing increased componentization of the business and its processes as well as the applications that support them are going to force you to rethink your infrastructure and simplify it …