My title Ann Student Department of Physics,University of Surrey Supervisor: Prof Albert Einstein Guidance on length: rule of thumb is about 1 slide/minute, although some slides can be gone through in seconds while a detailed slide may take 2 to 3 minutes. So for a 10 minute talk about 10 is good, Almost certainly more than 5 and less than 20. Order is often: 1) Introduction & context, 2) Methods, i.e., how you obtained results, what experiments, or what model did you do calculations for, 3) Results, 4) Conclusion
Introduction I am studying X Reason why you should care about X Reason why X is interesting
Methods NOT LIT REVIEW PROJECTS I am using method Y which is a good choice maybe have some results, eg a plot to show your methods work, & you can ref in format shown below S Hawking et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (year) volume number, page number
Slide with very clear schematic to show some exciting point of your project Key point is … Image: Wikimedia
Key idea Here key parameter is the Péclet numbers (Pe) diffusion constant is … Pe important because …. A.F. Routh and W.B. Russel, AIChE J. (1999) 44, 2088
Results key point shown here is … structure factor S(k) as function of waveveactor k for N = 10 N = 25 N = 100
Results (LITERATURE REVIEW PROJECTS) key point shown here is … 109 tons anthropogenic CO2 per year from 1950 to 2100 IPCC 2014 report Lit review talks will typically report on results from literature, figures from literature, with citation as above
Conclusions My key result of my research/of the literature I surveyed is …. the consequence of this result is … Acknowledgements: Thanks to Ms Tania Technician & PhD student Betty Student for assistance with …