Interviewed by: Laura Birnbaum-Singler, MSW SW 644: Issues in Developmental Disabilities Children’s Long-Term Supports and Services: Discussion Julie Bryda, MSSW Alice Thorson, MSSW Department of Health Services, Bureau of Long-Term Support, Children’s Section Interviewed by: Laura Birnbaum-Singler, MSW
The Katie Beckett Program Special eligibility rules Child’s income Based on functionality/Level of Care (LOC) History Parent & Legislative advocacy
CLTS Waivers & Family Support Program Creativity in services Flexibility Examples of good and services
CLTS Waivers & Family Support Program Home Visit/assessment Range of experiences Can vary dependent upon knowledge of service system Partnership
CLTS System: Brief History Children included within the Adult system Low utilization by children and families Waivers introduced in 2004 Waiting list of 10,000-13,000 children
CLTS System: Present Waiver waiting list – 8,000 - 9,000 Inclusion of Intensive In-Home Autism Treatment services Mental Health Waiver Wrap-around service concept Children in and at risk of out-of-home placements Serving children in involved in multiple systems
CLTS System: Autism Services Insurance Mandate 2009 Benefits
Best Practice and Family-Centered Planning Role of service coordinator Respect for families as expert Work with family from childhood through transition to adulthood Family historical perspective Maximize family ability to self-advocate and advocate for their child(ren) Partnership
CLTS System across State Borders Waiver funding Waiting lists Service coordination between States
Conflict with the System: Avenues for Families Grievance process at the county level State Review Mediation Process Appeal process through the Dept. of Hearing and Appeals (DHA) Importance of training at State and County level