Developing a Work Plan with Outputs and Outcomes John Whitesides Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Framework Work plans serve as a guide Specific periods of time Schedule of events and responsibilities Details action to be taken Aligned with goals and strategies – strategic plan Objectives are specific, concrete, and measureable Who, What, When, How - A project is usually a part of an overall program that encompasses a number of projects. Programs are on-going endeavors. To work as an effective project, a schedule with a start/end is necessary. The project planning process is important in determining how the unique product or service is to be created. Tasks within a project all have an inter-relationship by contributing to moving the project forward. Many tasks have predecessor tasks that must be completed prior to starting. Objectives may be intermediate or long-term, but they should all be SMART. Objectives should be the proposed benefit resulting from the product or service.
Elements of a Work Plan Abstract or executive summary Introduction and background (identifies problem) Goals and Objectives Resources and constraints Strategy and actions Budgets, schedules, etc.
Abstract or Executive Summary Written last Summary, not an introduction
Introduction and Background Refer to outputs and objectives you wish to achieve Includes highlights from earlier reviews and information Changes in conditions Changes in operations Other supporting information for the selected outputs and outcomes
Goals and Objectives Goals define the solutions to those problems detailed in the introduction and background Objectives are detailed and measureable results Keep objectives realistic Allow for objectives to be flexible
Resources and Constraints Indicate what may or will contribute to reaching the objectives Money, personnel, partners, capital, supplies, equipment, land, etc. Indicate what constraints must be overcome to reach the objectives
Strategy and Action How will you reach the objectives, outcomes and outputs Strategy indicates how you intend to Convert your resources Overcome the constraints Utilize resources to reach objectives Actions related back to strategy as activities to convert resources to outcomes
Budgets, Schedules, etc. Budget items Should relate to one or more of the objectives (Sometimes) can be separated to several objectives Should relate to some portion of the work plan
Schedules Dates for each stated objective Reasonable
Outputs and Outcomes Output An environmental activity or effort Relate to an environmental goal and objective Provided over a period of time Must be measureable
Outputs and Outcomes Outcome Result, effect or consequence Environmental, behavioral, health related or programmatic Quantitative Two types – End outcomes and Intermediate outcomes
Examples Research and Development Training and Outreach State/Tribal Compliance and Enforcement Special Projects, Demonstrations, Studies, and Investigations
EPA IGAP Workplans Discussion of content