Viewing and Responding to Shared Files in ACRS
Please click here APO
If you are logging into the system after clearing your browser cache and cookies, you will be prompted with the page below. Please click on “Partner Institution” button to log in via secure single sign on.
Please type in “merced” and UC Merced will show up in the dropdown Please type in “merced” and UC Merced will show up in the dropdown. Please select “University of California-Merced” and click on “Sign in” button
Please type in your UCMNet ID and Password and click on “login” button in the page (below).
You will be prompted with the page below once you sign in You will be prompted with the page below once you sign in. Please click on the “bell” icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Please click anywhere on “Files Available”.
Now, please click on “Review Now” button.
After clicking “Review Now” you will be prompted with the following screen. You may proceed with reading the case analysis and to send a response please click on “Send Response” button on the top right corner. If you have no response to the case analysis, simply reply to the email you received in your inbox or click on “Send Response” in the screenshot below to upload a word document with “I have no response” in the content.
Please type in the title of the document Please type in the title of the document. Eg: “Case Analysis – Response” and upload the response by clicking on “browse to upload” button.
Once you click “Browse to upload” you will be prompted with the screen below, to select your drafted case analysis response from your desktop.
Once you select the document to upload, your document will be uploaded to the ACRS system and the “Send” button becomes active. Please hit the “Send” button to send a response to Academic Personnel Office.
You may now either chose to log out of the system or click on “Committee Files” button to access the case analysis and the response you just sent.
When you click on “Committee Files”, you will be prompted with the screen below to access the Case analysis and your response.
To sign out , please click on “Sign Out” as shown in the screenshot below. If you have any questions, please reach out to