Beyond the College Classroom
A n y w h e r e … No matter where you go on campus, you should always have the following: Pen and/or pencil Paper Social Security number and/or Student ID number Student ID Personal identification (i.e. Drivers license) You should be prepared to wait in line. Remember, you are not the only student on campus, so avoid procrastinating, be patient, and give yourself plenty of time.
A d m i s s i o n s The Admissions office of the college handles all registration procedures. When you go to the Admissions office, you should have the following with you: Application, if you havent already submitted it Social Security card Form of Identification (i.e. Drivers License) Entrance Exam scores* SAT and/or ACT scores *If you havent already taken an entrance exam, the Admissions office will provide you with information about the test and where you need to go to take it.
C o u n s e l i n g The Counseling services department offers assistance with the following: Setting up a class schedule Getting special assistance if needed Balancing your course load Social issues/concerns Mediation
F i n a n c i a l A i d Financial Aid is one of the busiest offices because almost every student nowadays collects some form of monetary aid in order to pay for their college education. Financial aid offers assistance in the receipt of: Grants Loans Scholarships Work Study Positions Before you visit the Financial Aid office, you should have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You should also bring any paperwork youve received from 3 rd party payers.Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
L i b r a r y Fifty years ago, the college library housed millions of books and students could be found on every floor reading titles, taking notes, and dog-earing pages. The technology of the 21 st century has changed all of that. Libraries now house multiple computer labs. The tall cabinets housing the card catalog are gone and replaced with internet databases. Microfiche are in piles in the basement and all journal and magazine articles are accessed as PDF files. This does not mean the library is any less important. It is still the main site for all research materials on campus and is a valuable resource. It would be in your best interest to tour the library before classes start so you will know where to find the resources you will undoubtedly need.
T u t o r i n g S e r v i c e s All colleges have tutoring services available for students who need subject-specific assistance. Tutoring services are usually offered by Student Success and/or Counseling. The most common subjects for tutoring are: Math English/Writing Reading History Chemistry Accounting
P a r k i n g Even if you plan on staying on-campus, you will have some mode of transportation. Typically, this is a car. You cannot park anywhere on a college campus. Parking is zoned for visitors, faculty, staff, and students. When you arrive on campus, you will need to visit the Parking office to get a parking permit (typically a window sticker) which will allow you to park in the appropriate area(s). Parking in the wrong zone will earn you a parking ticket which are always accompanied by a fine. Unpaid parking tickets can result in you not being able to get your diploma, walk with your fellow graduates, or have your transcripts sent.
H o u s i n g If you do decide to stay on campus, you will need to visit the Housing department. They handle placement and reservations for the various types of housing on campus (dorms, suites, apartments). The Housing department is typically in charge of roommate matching*. *It is important to be upfront and honest when completing your roommate matching form. This will save you drama later on…especially when you find out the roommate you end up with said they kept a slightly cluttered room and in reality, they leave their things everywhere and the room looks like a tornado struck in the middle of the night.
B o o k s t o r e The Bookstore is where all textbooks for every class are available for purchase. If the book used last semester is still being used, then USED copies are typically available at a lower price. You can also purchase school supplies (i.e. pens, paper, notebooks, staplers, highlighters) at the Bookstore. Note that you can also use the Bookstore as a source of information. Go in and see what books are required for your classes (get the title, author, publisher, and edition/copyright date), then purchase them at an alternate location with lower prices like an off-campus bookstore, or via websites.
S a f e t y a n d S e c u r i t y It is important to know where the Safety and Security office is located on campus. This is where the campus police can be found. If you lose something on campus, the Safety and Security office is where all lost and found items are kept. Many campuses also have blue phone stations in the parking lots. If you are in danger and/or if you notice suspicious activity, you can pick up a blue phone and you will be immediately connected to the dispatcher in the Safety and Security office.
This presentation was created by… Creating Opportunities for Relevant Education The CCR Initiatives Division of Cisco College