Images and sketch maps of Leqooa Valley and the Mount Enterprise area Lesson 2: Starter slides for image interpretation
Image 1: Location map for the Leqooa area (S.Mills)
Image 2: Google Earth screenshot of Leqooa area Border between Lesotho and S.A.
Image 3: Aerial photo of Leqooa indicating location of ridges (S Image 3: Aerial photo of Leqooa indicating location of ridges (S. Mills)
Image 4: Lower ‘eye altitude’ Google Earth screenshot of Leqooa
Image 5: Photographs showing ridges at Leqooa (S. Mills)
Image 6: Location map for the Mount Enterprise area (Google Maps screenshot) Approximate location of Mount Enterprise (2565m) Indian Ocean
Image 7: Google Earth screenshot of the Mount Enterprise area
Image 8: Close up Google Earth screenshot of Mount Enterprise area
Image 9: Photograph at the Mount Enterprise site looking north (S Image 9: Photograph at the Mount Enterprise site looking north (S.Mills) Ridge