on behalf of LHCb RICH Group Technical Design Report for LHCb RICH Detectors Presentation to LHCC 4 October 2000 D.Websdale, G.Wilkinson on behalf of LHCb RICH Group Dedicated to Tom Ypsilantis
Requirements for Particle ID in LHCb Selection of specific B-decay channels for CP-violation measurements Kaon tagging of B-flavour via b-c-s cascade
Requirements for Particle ID in LHCb Momentum distributions Particle ID required from 1 - 150 GeV/c Requires RICH system with 3 radiators Momentum vs polar angle in B--> pp RICH system divided into 2 detectors
LHCb Spectrometer, seen from above
Content of RICH TDR presentation Evolution since Technical Proposal RICH system overview Prototype tests Physics performance through simulation Technical design Project organisation, schedules, costs Guy Wilkinson
Evolution since Technical Proposal (20.2.98) Photodetector Choice: 3 options studied: PAD HPD - 2048 pads, 1mm x 1mm, analogue readout (M x 2.3) Pixel HPD - 1024 pixels 0.5mm x 0.5mm, binary readout (M x 5) Hamamatsu MAPMT - 64 anodes, 2mm x 2mm, analogue readout Prototype measurements in Lab and as Cherenkov detector in test beams Performance studies through simulation Costs, Risks and resource requirements Pixel HPD selected as BASELINE (performance milestones) MAPMT as BACKUP Readout Electronics - Binary system Prototype tests: photodetectors, radiators, mirrors, mirror supports Detector geometry and mechanics Structural calculations of engineering design Beam-pipe sealing Photodetector and Mirror mounting Software development Full GEANT simulation, including pattern recognition C++ framework established
RICH system Overview RICH1: RICH2: 5cm aerogel n = 1.03, 2-11 GeV 4 m3 C4F10 n = 1.0014, 10-70 GeV RICH2: 100 m3 CF4 n = 1.0005, 17-150 GeV
RICH system Overview RICH photodetector requirements Cover total area ~ 2.6 m2 Single photon sensitivity Granularity ~ 2.5mm x 2.5mm Visible and UV sensitivity 25ns time resolution 80mm Pixel HPD (schematic) Good photoelectron resolution Low occupancy Binary Readout electronics
RICH system Overview RICH radiators HPD Photon Detector Refractive index vs photon energy HPD Photon Detector Quantum efficiency (measured) vs photon energy
RICH system Overview Characteristics of LHCb RICH detectors: Radiator properties Contributions to Cherenkov angle precision Cherenkov photon yield Optical system alignment, mirror quality and stability ~ 0.1 mrad
Prototype Tests 1. RICH1, RICH2 prototypes in test beam 2. HPD tests Performance of aerogel, C4F10, CF4 radiators Photon yield Cherenkov angle precision Chromatic properties Scattering Simultaneous imaging of Cherenkov rings from gas and aerogel 2. HPD tests Detecting Cherenkov rings in beam tests Response to traversing charged particles Electron optics, including magnetic field tests Tests of prototype pixel readout chips 3. Optical system tests Mirror optical quality Mirror support, precision and stability Verify parameters assumed in RICH performance studies
1/4-scale prototype RICH1 Simultaneous imaging of Cherenkov rings from aerogel and C4F10 radiators
Prototype RICH2
Prototype RICH2
Prototype RICH2 Using a CEDAR Cherenkov counter upstream in the testbeam to tag kaons.
Prototype performance compared with simulation Photon Yields Cherenkov Angular resolution [mrad]
encapsulated pixel chip (LHC1) 40mm HPD - 2048 pixels 0.05mm x 0.5mm encapsulated pixel chip (LHC1) Pion /electron separation in RICH1 at 10 GeV/c Angular resolution in RICH2 prototype - 120 GeV/c p beam
Full-scale: 80mm prototype HPD 61 pixels 2mm x 2mm external readout Photon yields, in low pressure runs, where ring is contained in a single HPD Figure of Merit: N0 = Npe / eALsin2q = 202 cm-1
80mm HPD - phosphor anode + CCD test of electron optics Left: Magnification vs radial position Right: Point Spread function Images of Cross with 3 mT magnetic field Left: Transverse field Right: Axial field
Mirror Tests: Automated optical test facility (TA2- CERN) Mirror quality: analysis of image of reflected point source 40 mirrors tested (6-7 cm-thick) R, s q 95% light in circle of 2 cm diameter s q = 0.03 mrad
Mirror Tests: Automated optical test facility (TA2- CERN) Precision and Long-term stability of Mirror Supports < .02 mrad
Aerogel Tests: Samples with n ~ 1.03 Matsushita - hydrophobic: C = 0.008 Novosibirsk - hygroscopic: C = 0.005 I=I0 exp (-CL/l4) C: Clarity coeff [mm4 cm-1 ] Pion - proton separation at 8 GeV Photon yields: Data and simulation
Technical Design Pixel HPD Photon detector Encapsulated pixel readout chip Readout electronics RICH mechanics and optics Gas systems Alignment Monitoring and Control Cabling, Infrastructure Safety
Pixel HPD: Photon detector 168 HPDs in RICH1 262 HPDs in RICH2 Photocathode diameter = 75 mm: Overall diameter = 83mm (82% active) Photocathode voltage = -20kV: 5000e signal at silicon anode Electron optics: Cross-focussed: Demagnification ~ 5 Anode: Silicon pixel detector, bump-bonded to pixel readout chip Pixel cell: 50um x 500um: 320 x 32 matrix Effective pixel size at photocathode: 2.5mm x 2.5mm: 1024 channels Magnetic shielding: 0.9 mm Mumetal
Pixel HPD Prototype 80mm HPD Final Anode assembly 3 equipped with 61-pixel anode 1 equipped with phosphor + CCD anode Final Anode assembly Ceramic PGA carrier Silicon sensor, bump bonded to pixel chip and wire-bonded to carrier
Pixel Chip Requirements Characteristics of LHCb pixel chip Discriminate single photoelectron hits: Threshold ~ 2000e Time-tag with LHC bunch crossing : Time resolution ~ 25 ns 1 MHz Level-0 trigger, 4 us latency 30 kRad radiation dose over 10 years Characteristics of LHCb pixel chip 0.25 um CMOS process Cell size: 50 um x 500 um - matched to silicon sensor Low input capacitance and reduced occupancy Pre-amp RMS noise: 250e Shaping time: 25 ns Discriminator threshold (3-bit adjust) 2000e Super-pixel: 10x OR: 500 um x 500 um 1024 channels Power consumption of chip ~ 0.5 W Bump-bonded to silicon sensor
Pixel Chip Pixel Cell Current Development Next steps ALICE-LHCb chip: 8192 cells 50 um x 425 um Fabrication completed: Testing begins October Next steps Prepare anode assemblies: bump-bonded sensor + PGA carrier Encapsulate in 80 mm HPD Design and fabricate final LHCb pixel chip - minor modifications
Readout Electronics 1. Pixel chip, encapsulated in HPD Binary signals at 40 MHz, MUX 32:1 2. Level-0 adapter Board Drive Distributes clocks, triggers via TTC to pixel chip Controls DC power levels for pixel chip MUX 16:1 Gbit optical links (100 m to counting room) 3. Level-1 Board In counting room (no radiation problem) Buffers data during Level-1 latency Filters Level-1 triggers Provides zero suppression Interfaces TTC, DCS Transports data to DAQ and event builder 430 x Level-0 On detector 220 x Level-1 Counting room 54 x RICH not in Level-0 nor Level-1 trigger
Readout electronics schematic
RICH1 - Mechanics and Optics Top view Side view
RICH1 Mechanics and Optics Kapton beam-pipe seals Part of HPD array in 1 quadrant of RICH1 Space frame supporting mirror adjustment points in RICH1
RICH2 Mechanics and Optics
RICH2 Mechanics and optics Top view of one half of RICH2 HPD mounting
RICH2 Mechanics and optics FEA of RICH2 space frame Mode 1: 1.2 Hz oscill along z Mode 2: 1.4 Hz oscill along z Mode 3: 2.9 Hz oscill along x Mirror support
RICH Gas Systems C4F10 Gas distribution system Cherenkov Gas parameters C4F10 Gas distribution system
Monitoring and Control Alignment Cherenkov angle precision: RICH1: 1.4 mrad RICH2: 0.5 mrad Alignment strategy: Installation and survey: precision < 1mm at photodetector plane Monitoring with laser system (ATLAS muon spectr); initial alignment ~ 0.5 mrad Alignment using data: qrec- qp = A cos(frec- f0) ; final alignment < 0.2 mrad Monitoring and Control Gas: Flow, pressure, temperature Purity: water, oxygen < 200 ppm nitrogen: constant, <1% Transparency: monochromator; 200 - 800 nm Mechanical stability; Lasers and semi-transparent silicon sensors Electronics: HV monitor Bias, leakage currents at pixel sensor Discriminator thresholds Calibration test pulses Protocals: JCOP, Joint Control Project (LHC common) SCADA, Supervisor, Control and DAQ (LHC common)
Project Management Schedules for: Milestones Costs Completion of R & D pixel chip end 2001 engineering design end 2001 alignment systems end 2001 readout electronics mid 2002 aerogel end 2003 Construction and testing RICH vessels mid 2003 completion dates HPDs end 2003 Readout electronics end 2003 Gas system mid 2004 Installation / Commissioning Installation beg 2004 Commissioning mid 2004 - mid 2005 Milestones Costs Division of Responsibilities
Project Management
Project Milestones Date Milestone Mechanics and Optics Photodetectors 2002/Qtr1 Mechanical designs completed 2003/Qtr4 Mechanics and Optics completed 2004/Qtr1 Begin Assembly RICH1 in IP8 2004/Qtr3 Begin installation RICH2 in IP8 Photodetectors 2000/Qtr4 Prototype HPD completed *** 2001/Qtr3 Place HPD order *** 2004/Qtr1 Production / testing completed Readout electronics 2002/Qtr2 Prototype chain tests completed RICH Detectors 2005/Qtr2 Commissioning completed
Project Costs (kCHF) Item RICH1 RICH2 Mechanics, Optics 527 1204 Photodetectors 1473 2290 Electronics 537 814 Gas system, monitoring 365 365 Aerogel 102 - Total: 3004 4673 Total Cost (incl. spares) 7677 kCHF
Division of responsibilities LHCb RICH Group Bristol Univ Cambridge Univ CERN Genova Univ Glasgow Univ Edinburgh Univ Milano Univ Oxford Univ Imperial College Rutherford Appleton Lab
MultiAnode PMT Hamamatsu R7600-03-M64. 8x8 channels. Size: 26x26 mm2. Bialkali PC: Q.E. ~ 22% at lmax = 400 nm. Gain 106. Active area fraction 38%. Active area fraction Increased by lenses (78%).
MultiAnode PMT Cluster test Without lenses With lenses
MultiAnode PMT Project Schedule