Connect with us… Keith Anderson - Senior Pastor Mark Your Calendars… Men’s Huddle – Sat. OCT 7 @ 8AM (Men’s ministry meets at the church on the 1st Sat.of every month) WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY !! Join us on Wednesdays as we learn the truth of God’s Word that will help us become the people God created us to be. Please check the Information Stand in the Foyer for monthly calendars, church directories, home fellowships and other information. If you know anyone who is in need of help due to Harvey please let us know so we can help. We are called to be the light in this darkness! SERVICES - Sunday @ 9 & 11 AM Wednesday @ 7PM (Bible Study) Keith Anderson - Senior Pastor “As we gather today it’s important that we remember that the greatest power that exists is the power of God and the way that God can touch and move all of our lives.” Connect with us… 12216 W. Broadway, Pearland 77584 731-436-2400 How Do I Give To The Church? We don't ‘pass the plate’, but giving receptacles are on the back wall as you exit the sanctuary. Envelopes are available for your giving (back pockets of the chairs) or at receptacle boxes. Offerings can be specifically designated for a particular event/ministry/ program. For your convenience, we have a ‘Giving Station’ located at the reception desk in the back of the sanctuary! You can give to the church via credit/debit card! You can also donate to the church via our website. @pearlandnewharvestchurch @Pastorlkas @pearlandnewharvest WIFI Password – Godspeople (case specific)