International Tourism: Cultures and Behavior Yvette Reisinger
International Tourism: The Global Environment Part I
Chapter 1 Globalization, tourism and culture
Definitions of globalization Globalization as internationalization Globalization as liberalization Globalization as universalization Globalization as Westernization or modernization Globalization as deterritorialization
Dimensions of globalization Economic Technological Political Cultural Social Environmental
Benefits of globalization Increased connectedness of production and communication Diffusion of ideas around the world Development of the knowledge economy Growth and expansion Increased economic and cultural activity Gains in productivity and efficiency
Benefits of globalization Increase in revenues and incomes Job creation Growth in economies of scale Rise of global brands Increased understanding of geography and the world Increased experience of localness
Criticism of globalization Decline in power of national governments Increased polarization of the world Supra-territoriality Negative impact on local communities Delocalization and outsourcing Separation of work from the home
Criticism of globalization Decline in social capital and civic community Imitation of Western culture Standardization of the tourism product and disappearance of local standards Environmental degradation Increase in risk
Influence of globalization on tourism Culture Ecology Economy Politics Technology Tourist behavior
Globalization and tourism Forms and examples of globalization in tourism A new type of tourist A new type of tourism
Global values Community Harmony Culture Humanitarianism Ecology Love Education Family Friendship Harmony Humanitarianism Love Safety and security Spirituality
Globalization and culture The emergence of globalized consumer culture? Global consumer and global products? Disappearance of local cultures? Cultural heterogenization?
Globalization and culture Cultural convergence? Cultural divergence? Cultural hybridization? Cultural commoditization? Cultural deterioration? Cultural loss? Cultural adaptation? Cultural change?
Globalization and culture Is consumerism a bad thing for tourism? Globalization and disappearance of local identity? Resistance to cultural change and emergence of local identity Glocalization
Globalization in tourism Benefits and limitations of globalization in tourism Challenges of globalization The future of globalization: Americanization of culture cosmopolitan culture cultural hybridization cultural disappearance or culture clash?