Ine Website Maria Jesus Vinuesa And there was the statistician who was asked how her husband was and replied "Compared with whom?" 1
Statistical Dissemination Final stage of the statistical operation - most important - adequate strategy Gateway: Internet Different users easy to use additional information (methodology, glossary..) Microdata English version (95%) 2
- All of the statistical information produced by the INE Internet: - All of the statistical information produced by the INE - has become the main dissemination outlet - allows for equal treatment - assures the impartiality of the INE towards all citizens - free of charge since the beginning (1996) Añadir pantallas nuevas de lo de Carmen 3
Associated graphs CPI, LFS, GDP Ine Website Basic data Associated graphs CPI, LFS, GDP 5
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All the Statistical information Calendar All the Statistical information 7
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3 differents ways of storage: - pc-axis files Tempus. RDBMS Some data about SPAIN 3 differents ways of storage: - pc-axis files Tempus. RDBMS Dataware house (census 2001) 9
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Thank you for your attention “Statistics are like a bikini - what they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital” Aaron Levenstein 12