Jim Crow Laws and Segregation Racism in the United States of America
The Problem we all live with, Norman Rockwell
From Black Codes to Jim Crow Laws Restricted the Civil Rights and civil liberties of African-Americans.
Jim Crow Laws Reference to a popular character created by Thomas Dartmouth « Daddy » Rice in the song « Jump Jim Crow ».
song and dance of a physically disabled african slave. The white comedian blackened his face song and dance of a physically disabled african slave. pejorative meaning in 1838 Minstrel Show: Post Civil War.
Jim Crow Laws Started in 1890 « separate but equal » Southern States : economic, educational and social disadvantages. Northern States : housing segregation, private covenants, bank lending practices, job discrimination, discriminatory labour union practices. Segregation in public schools, public places and transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains. In the army, too.
Facilities for African-Americans were inferior and underfunded