Role of the Institution: Past, Present, & Future NDIA Conference 2005 Future of Civil Affairs on the Battlefield Role of the Institution: Past, Present, & Future COL Michael G. Rose Chief of Staff USA John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
Role of the Institution: Past, Present, & Future Proponent of branch museum and archives History of branches and associated skills Integrate the history into the current force 12/2/2018 3:03 AM
Role of the Institution: Past, Present, & Future Sustain training base and support deployments Codify tactics, techniques, and procedures Conduct simulations and experimentation Annual health of the branch Annual functional reviews 12/2/2018 3:03 AM
Role of the Institution: Past, Present, & Future Organizational and Operational Concepts Force Modernization Ensure complete analysis of the DOTML-PF Force Design Updates Analysis 12/2/2018 3:03 AM