Main Idea and Supporting Details Writing a Paragraph
Main Idea Supporting Detail
Key Terms Logical progressions of ideas Development Organization Grammar Mechanics Spelling
Rubric Pre-Basic Writing Rubric 5 4 3 2 1 Content: Easy to understand Content: Easy to understand Interesting Answers the question Organization: Topic sentence with main idea Supporting details all relevant to main idea Development: Ideas are well-explained Grammar/Mechanics: All sentences have subject and verb Correct use of tense Correct spelling Total=_______/20
Good Development I chose to major in agriculture because I like this program. I want to be Agricultural Engineer in the future. I loved to investigate the soil.
Topic Sentence I chose to major in Animal Science, because I like the animal and I want to be a Veterinarian. I chose to study the major agronomy because my parents were dedicated in the agriculture and inspired in me the idea to love the plants, oxigen and nature.