Word Roots Suffixes Prefixes Literary Devices Misc. Terms 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Word Roots 100 jud/jur/jus
What is the root meaning “law”? Word Roots 100 What is the root meaning “law”?
Word Roots 200 anthrop
What is the root meaning “man”? Word Roots 200 What is the root meaning “man”?
Word Roots 300 rect
What is the root meaning “straight”? Word Roots 300 What is the root meaning “straight”?
Word Roots 400 vac
What is the root meaning “empty”? Word Roots 400 What is the root meaning “empty”?
Word Roots 500 culpa
What is the root meaning “fault or blame”? Word Roots 500 What is the root meaning “fault or blame”?
Suffixes 100 -logy
What is the suffix meaning “science or study of”? Suffixes 100 What is the suffix meaning “science or study of”?
Suffixes 200 -ify or -if
What is the suffix meaning “to make”? Suffixes 200 What is the suffix meaning “to make”?
Suffixes 300 -hood
What is the suffix meaning “state or quality of”? Suffixes 300 What is the suffix meaning “state or quality of”?
Suffixes 400 -ure
What is the suffix meaning “action or process of”? Suffixes 400 What is the suffix meaning “action or process of”?
Suffixes 500 -ic
What is the suffix meaning “relating to”? Suffixes 500 What is the suffix meaning “relating to”?
Prefixes 100 counter-
What is the prefix meaning “against”? Prefixes 100 What is the prefix meaning “against”?
Prefixes 200 hyper-
What is the prefix meaning “extra, beyond, over”? Prefixes 200 What is the prefix meaning “extra, beyond, over”?
Prefixes 300 inter-
What is the prefix meaning “between”? Prefixes 300 What is the prefix meaning “between”?
Prefixes 400 intra- or intro-
What is the prefix meaning “inside of, within”? Prefixes 400 What is the prefix meaning “inside of, within”?
Prefixes 500 ante-
What is the prefix meaning “before or in front”? Prefixes 500 What is the prefix meaning “before or in front”?
Literary Devices 100 Suggesting, hinting, indicating, or showing what will occur later in a narrative
Literary Devices 100 What is foreshadowing?
The way a story gets told and who tells it Literary Devices 200 The way a story gets told and who tells it
Literary Devices 200 What is point of view?
Literary Devices 300 A method of narration in which present action is temporarily interrupted so that the reader can witness past events
Literary Devices 300 What is flashback?
Literary Devices 400 A casual reference in literature to a person, place, event, or another passage of literature
Literary Devices 400 What is allusion?
Literary Devices 500 The use of humor or sarcasm to attack on or criticize anything the author sees as dangerous religious, political, moral, or social standards
Literary Devices 500 What is satire?
The character against whom the protagonist struggles or contends Misc. Terms 100 The character against whom the protagonist struggles or contends
Misc. Terms 100 What is antagonist?
Misc. Terms 200 belli
What is the root meaning “war”? Misc. Terms 200 What is the root meaning “war”?
Misc. Terms 300 A feeling, emotional state, disposition of mind, or the predominating atmosphere of a literary work
Misc. Terms 300 What is mood?
Misc. Terms 400 dys-
What is the prefix meaning “not normal”? Misc. Terms 400 What is the prefix meaning “not normal”?
A character who has been fully developed Misc. Terms 500 A character who has been fully developed
Misc. Terms 500 What is round?