Adam Bates PLYMOUTH VISITOR ECONOMY STRATEGY TOURISM CONFERENCE 22 November 2018 Adam Bates Intro slide – Adam 10.55
Your chance to input to draft strategy About Today Your chance to input to draft strategy Thematic strengths and what needs to be developed Answers on post-its to the questions Any other thoughts and ideas? This is your chance to have your say Three panels in the coffee/lunch space. Want you to have your say. Blue/Green – a strength that builds on obvious marine heritage and many existing assets as well as ambitions for National Marine Park – but how bring this to life for visitors – what are the things they can and should be able to experience? Heritage & Culture – Opening of the Box, fantastic events, Mayflower 400. How build and develop the cultural and heritage offer so that it appeals and drives visits as well as ensuring it is accessible year round? What are the ways technology can help present your stories in venues and in and around the City. A space for you to add your thoughts about other aspects of the plan – everything from the development of the conference business, to accommodation, gateways and public realm, to partnership and marketing. Have a look at the panels – discuss with each other – put your ideas and thoughts on the post-its. Use the questions as a prompt – but don’t be constrained by them – if burning issue or idea, then share it.
Your chance to input to draft strategy Thematic strengths and what needs to be developed Answers on post-its to the questions Any other thoughts and ideas Reminder – 13.55 Great input so far – some really interesting ideas and issues. Enormous choice – the Plymouth offer has to cut through the competition – not just be good – but offer something distinctive and compelling. Also needs to be practical and easy – the experiences should be easy to buy. Have another look – see what others have said. Add and comment.
THE VISITOR PLAN AND PLACE MAKING Why does the Visitor Plan matter – 15.15 Plymouth has enormous competition. So the plan brings together all of the ideas that are needed for the destination to develop and present itself to prospective visitors. Not a panacea – can’t fix all ills. But can establish a shared ambition; can bring focus to those developments which might impact on a visitors desire and actual visit; and can help the development of a Team Plymouth approach. Importantly these plans should bring perspective – while developed locally they need to use visitors and prospective visitors as the arbiters of what works. That objectivity is critical because of the huge choice that visitors have. In marketing we see the wooly and well worn phrases being used to describe destinations – but do they really unlock what is unique and distinctive about a place – or reinforce well worn stereotypes that leave destinations unable to position and grow.
The best plans are an impetus for investment The best plans are an impetus for investment. And investment that is noticed by the visitor giving reasons to visit that reflect the unique stories and character of the place
The best plans reflect what visitors want – they are the lens through which decisions are made. They also help you manage visitors to get the best impacts without the problems that can be caused
Best plans galvanise the industry Best plans galvanise the industry. They bring them together and help put them and the communities at the heart of the visitor experience and the way it is marketed.
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