Forest Lake and Mandalay School Libraries National Parks Forest Lake and Mandalay School Libraries
Where can you go to get more information about your National Park?
These search engines can help you find websites for your research Internet Research These search engines can help you find websites for your research
How do you know if a website is a good source of information? Use the RADCAB method RAD CAB
Is the information relevant to the question? Am I on the right track? Relevancy Is the information relevant to the question? Am I on the right track?
Is this site relevant?
Is the information suitable to my age and my values? Appropriateness Is the information suitable to my age and my values?
Is this appropriate for a 4th grader?
Detail How much information do I need?? Will I be able to answer all my questions?
Does this give us enough detail about Arches National Park?
When was the information published or last updated? Currency When was the information published or last updated?
Is this website current?
Authority Who is the author of the information? What are his or her qualifications?
Who wrote this?
Bias Why was this information written? Was it written to inform me, persuade me, entertain me, or sell me something?
What is the purpose of this website?
RADCAB Relevancy Appropriateness Detail Currency Authority Bias
Let’s use RADCAB to find a great website about a National Park…