Initial design for review IDA/DFID 2017-2019 Initial design for review
Outcomes Framing the implementation of SDGs to be inclusive of all groups of persons with disabilities in line with CRPD, especially with regards to education and gender Explore entry points in broad financing for development thematics (Trade, Regional Economic Integration, ODA, Public procurement, private sector engagement) to foster inclusion of persons with disabilities. Maximising SDGs momentum for further implementation of the CRPD Ensuring engagement of DPOs at Global, National and regional level
Program structure Accountability Capacity building FLAGSHIP programs: Education Gender Financing for development Small grants to promote the most marginalised groups in SDGs implementation (WFDB, WNUSP, DSI, IFHOH, IF, WFD, WBU) IDA website and outreach + SDGs-CRPD Fellowship Support national DPOs in reporting on the SDGs and CRPD (at least 4 country per year, 1 per region among HPLF volunteers) Regional BRIDGE training programs in Latin America, Africa, Arab region and Asia-Pacific