Childhood Obesity and School Lunches By: Nick Duis and Bryce Gorder
The 9th Amendment This gives me the right to say that I think school lunches have everything to do with obese America. I also have the right to argue and say no they are two totally different subjects! Rights retained by the People The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Nick read top bryce bottom
School Lunches FDA Article FDA ABC News Video Michelle Obama Bryce: The kids choices, they will choose what they want to eat not what Ms. Obama wants them to eat. Most kids will just go out to eat or go to the consesson stand and get some of the candy down there. Nick: what Ms.obama has done has improved our food so we get more energy from it and go out and exercise. Bryce: FDA says that more dieses come from organic foods that obmamas program will bring in Nick: But the risk of those dieses will help us more in the ong run when we are all fit and healthy.
What's Wrong What's Right? 1 of 7 low income preschool aged kids are obese 1 in 3 children are obese today 12.5 million kids from 2-18 are obese Nick: here are some facts about how many kids in the united states are abese. Bryce: it isnt there problem, they don’t have enough money to buy heathy food for their kids and them selves. As this graph shows more peole are in need of money to buy healthy foods, not everyone can be on food stamps.
Plan Michelle Obama's plan is national. We can do something to get this changed so that our state can opt out of it.
The 1st Amendment Without this amendment we may not even be in school today discussing this topic. Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly We would not be able to speak our sides of the story or even get our lunches changed to the way we want or even have an opinion. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
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