Wendy Brotherton Advanced Speech and Language Therapist Stepping Stones Wendy Brotherton Advanced Speech and Language Therapist
Rationale Children with SLCN Huge continuum: mild→moderate→severe Not “one size fits all” – individual approach Basic general principles Visual support Evidence based (see ICAN Visual Timelines Factsheet) Auditory channel – transient Visual channel – enduring Range of strategies
Video clip
Visual Support Visual Timetables Objects of Reference Hierarchy: Objects of Reference → photographs → concrete representation → arbitrary /sophisticated Objects of Reference the MMF rule: this refers to choosing objects of reference according to what is Meaningful, Motivating and Frequent for each individual. Think of Objects of Reference for: going on the minibus; snack time; film; swimming; sensory room
Lo-tech communication aids Big Mack (Single message) Signing Record a message onto Big Mack / iTalk2 / GoTalk4 iTalk2 (Two message) GoTalk4+ (4 message x 5 levels = 20 messages)
Choice Board Visual display of options supports the comprehension of the auditory message and choice situation by circumventing the rapid disappearance of the spoken message regarding choices.
PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) Schedule Boards Depicts via pictures or text a series of events; a convenient way of announcing changes in the daily routine; to give information to the person and not to get information from him or her PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
First...Then... Boards First Then (Velcro here) (Velcro here)
Talking Mats Talking Mats can help people arrive at a decision by providing a structure where information is presented in small chunks supported by symbols. It gives people time and space to think about information, work out what it means and say what they feel in a visual way that can be easily recorded.
Communication Books Progressive Motor planning principles Personalised Ace Centre North: guide and template Core and topic vocabulary PODD book
Social Stories A Social Story™ describes a situation, skill, or concept in terms of relevant social cues, perspectives, and common responses in a specifically defined style and format. The goal of a Social Story™ is to share accurate social information in a patient and reassuring manner that is easily understood by its audience. I.e. An explicit written (and/or pictorial) description of a behaviour
Communication Passports Present the person positively Reflect own views and preferences, unique character, sense of humour etc.; Describe the person's most effective means of communication Place equal value on the views of all who know the person well, as well as the views of the specialist professionals.
General principles Total Communication Signing Speech Sign Objects of Reference Gesture Symbol Exchange (PECS) Visual supports / Symbol use Signing Functional, naturalistic Sign of the week Circle Time Assemblies Songs use to augment existing packages such as Narrative Therapy
Next steps... Makaton www.makaton.org/ Social Stories https://carolgraysocialstories.com/ Talking Mats www.talkingmats.com/ Communication Passports www.communicationpassports.co.uk Low-tech communicators like Big Mack, iTalk2, GoTalk, etc. Available from e.g. www.inclusive.co.uk and www.liberator.co.uk PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) https://pecs- unitedkingdom.com/ Symbol software e.g. Communicate In Print 3 / Makaton / PCS / Boardmaker www.widgit.com/ Narrative Therapy www.blacksheeppress.co.uk/ Visual timetables www.sparklebox.co.uk/classman/routine/timetable/ or CIP3 TEACCH https://www.autismuk.com/training/teacch-programme/ www.talkingpoint.org.uk/ www.ican.org.uk/ www.communicationmatters.org.uk