About the common wolf. The common wolf is a mammal carnivore specie. It weighs about 28 and 46 kilos. It has a tail about 40-50 centimetres.
Communication and hunt Also, the wolf communicates howling like in this photo. The wolf don't often hunt alone and always hunt in groups. Although they hunt in groups they never hunt in herds.
Wolfs in danger The most danger for this animal is the human, because some person hunt it only for fun. In this photo we can see a person hunting two wolfs.
Where does the wolf live? The wolf lives in the mountains of Asia, America and a little part of Europe.(All the green area) The red area was the area that the wolf live in the ancient.
In this photo, the wolf is hunting an animal. In this situation the wolf is running on the snow. In this other photo the smaller wolf is going to suck the milk of her mother. Finally in this photo the wolf is smelling
Made by Natalia