Welcome to your child’s fourth-grade world
Communications Assignment spiral on Mondays and updated as needed during the week Webpage — mcdonald204.weebly.com with link to Mrs. Clark’s site Grades promptly posted to Parent Cloud Weekly folders with PD reports E-mail — cory.mcdonald@austinisd.org Mills — 512-841-2400
Academics Writing – Writing process in workshop - Spelling, grammar & vocabulary Reading – Fiction & nonfiction - Poetry, drama, procedural Social studies - Texas history, study skills Math & Science with Mrs. Clark SEL & Mindfulness
STAAR Tests Writing, revising & editing — April 9 Math — May 13 State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness Writing, revising & editing — April 9 Math — May 13 Reading — May 14
Homework 30 minutes a night Students should be able to complete grammar and vocabulary during workshop Typically may include math plus occasionally writing, science, and/or social studies Read daily
Academic support In class — Independent work often done at school Study hall many afternoons Before school — Get hall pass Occasional “Lunch Bunch” After school — Arrange in advance
Corrections Corrections are intended to help students understand why they may have struggled, so they can work toward being more successful. Correction must be fully and accurately corrected and returned by Friday (or specified date). 70% maximum score on corrections I’m available to help, and some are handled solely at school
Personal development grades Classroom PD Personal development grades Students and teacher monitor all week; you may ask your child to record in assignment spiral if they’ll have trouble explaining later. Students and teacher complete weekly report Report comes home in weekly folders; need to sign/initial and return
Attendance Absences — When your child is absent, email millsattendance@gmail.com and cc me or send in note within two days of returning to school. Tardies — School begins at 7:35; students arriving after the 7:40 bell are tardy. After 8:00, parents must bring them to the office to sign in.
Volunteering If you might volunteer to help in the classroom, on field trips, or anywhere on campus, you must submit information through Austin Partners in Education. Process must be completed every school year. Questions should be directed to the front office.