Wilderness First Aid Slideshow Template The following Slideshow is a Bare Bones template which covers the minimum information set by the 2010 WFA Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines. This slideshow version was intended to be used as a minimalist alternative to our standard slideshow and can be used as a template for building a new slideshow to better suit the the instructor’s lecturing style. Version 1 May 2018
Bone and Joint Injuries 45 min 90 min with Practical BSA Core Class BSA WFA Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines Page(s) 16 ECSI Wilderness First Aid Field Guide Page(s) 43-53 ARC WRFA Emergency Reference Guide Page(s) 29
Bone and Joint Injuries Objectives Define strain, sprain, fracture, and dislocation. List the signs and symptoms of a strain, sprain, fracture, and dislocation. Demonstrate a field assessment for injuries to bones and joints. Define RICE (rest, immobilize, cold, and elevate) and describe its use. Demonstrate and/or describe the emergency treatment, including the use of improvisation, for: Strains and sprains Fractures Dislocations, including realignment of fingers, toes, patella, and shoulder Participants can read Course Objectives at home. Note to Instructor: This class is best delivered by a professional provider familiar with orthopedic injures and reduction of fracture and dislocations. Any instructor not familiar with higher than First Aid orthopedic care should work with one of the main instructors prior to lecturing. You should be familiar with all the images in this presentation and their relevance to the lecture. WFA Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines
Bone and Joint Injuries Objectives Describe the emergency treatment for: Angulated fractures Open fractures Describe the long-term care for injuries to bones and joints. Describe how to prevent some bone and joint injuries. Describe situations that would require an evacuation versus a rapid evacuation. Participants can read Course Objectives at home. WFA Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines
Bone and Joint Injuries Bone and Joint Injuries Intro Injuries to bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and cartilage—are among the most common in wilderness activities. You will often be unsuccessful in your attempt at assessing exactly what is wrong. That’s OK. You should still know how to generally handle these types of emergencies. [Read slide]
Bone and Joint Injuries Questions Camp Sun Rise Trout Creek Oregon pexels.com 36222