Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design When Both Speed and Quality is of Importance Using Master Performers The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design www.eppic.biz
The BIG ISSUE with the Traditional Approach is: Most of what an The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design The BIG ISSUE with the Traditional Approach is: Most of what an SMEs/Expert Knows is Non-Conscious and not readily recalled. Master Performers can select which Content Items should be addressed Formally and which can be left for Informal Learning means. www.eppic.biz
PERFORMANCE- BASED Instructional & Informational Content that is more The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design Instructional & Informational Content that is more PERFORMANCE- BASED Master Performers can be Facilitated to quickly specify the Performance Outputs and Tasks and the Measures and Standards for both. And to derive the enabling Knowledge/Skills. www.eppic.biz
ACCURATE Instructional & Informational Content that is more The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design Instructional & Informational Content that is more ACCURATE Master Performers know what is accurate and what is not – given the variation of the Performance Contexts they perform in. www.eppic.biz
COMPLETE Instructional & Informational Content that is more The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design Instructional & Informational Content that is more COMPLETE Master Performers can be facilitated to avoid the in the holes in the Outputs and Tasks that an SME on their own might forget. www.eppic.biz
APPROPRIATE Instructional & Informational Content that is more The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design Instructional & Informational Content that is more APPROPRIATE Master Performers know what is needed and should be learned via Formal means and what can be left to be learned via Informal means. www.eppic.biz
Task-orientation versus a Topic Orientation, the Speed, the Accuracy, The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design The PROs are: Task-orientation versus a Topic Orientation, the Speed, the Accuracy, the Completeness and Appropriateness of the Content. Wow, it’s fast! www.eppic.biz
The time off the job required, and any facility and The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design The CONs are: The time off the job required, and any facility and travel and living costs. And Facilitating a Group of Master Performers can be tough duty. But it’s fast! www.eppic.biz
Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design And I Bet Your Next Question Is… And great for Development Too! The Pros and Cons of the Facilitated Group Process For Instructional Analysis & Design www.eppic.biz