Wilby Church of England Primary School’s Creation Week This week of set-aside study majored on RE for the whole week, using learning outside the classroom, literacy, creative skills, P4C, music and other subjects in the service of good RE. Why not run one yourself?
Artistic Guesswork You have seen Kate Neal’s first five canvases, showing her vision of the first five days of creation. Kate has not been thinking about science and religions, or creation and evolution. Her pictures respond to the text of the bible story for itself. How do you think she will paint the 6th day, when animals and humans were created? Or the seventh day, when God rested?
Philosophy for children Using creation stories as a stimulus for a community of enquiry Does a beautiful world mean there is a wonderful God? Why does the world have beauty and have pain? If God made the world then who or what made God? If God did not make the world, was it an accident that we exist?