World Malaria Day April 25 The aim of World Malaria Day is to provide education and understanding of malaria as a global scourge that is preventable and a disease that is curable.
The deadliest creature in the world is… A Crocodile A Grizzly bear A Shark A snake Hippopotamus None of the above
The deadliest creature in the world is… A Crocodile A Grizzly bear A Shark A Snake A Hippopotamus None of the above
90 people 800 people 29,000people 90,000 people 12 people
Myth: Mosquitoes bite Mosquitoes don’t bite, they suck. They don’t have teeth to bite with. Instead they cut skin using their serrated proboscis (a tube-like mouthpart) and locate a capillary under the skin. Then they proceed to drink up to three times their weight in blood. Did you know? It would take about 1.2 million mosquito “bites” to drain you of all your blood The world’s deadliest creature isn’t what you would expect. It is in fact, the mosquito. As a vector that spreads diseases like West Nile virus, malaria and yellow fever, mosquitoes are responsible for the deaths of two million people a year. That’s more than sharks, snakes, hippopotamuses, grizzly bears and crocodiles combined. Who knew the world’s deadliest creature could be squished with a single finger?
EVERY 60 SECONDS One child dies from Malaria ! The majority of people who die from malaria each year are young children and pregnant women. In fact, every sixty seconds another child dies of malaria
Did you know? Malaria keeps more kids out of school than any other One half of the world’s population lives in areas at risk of malaria Did you know? Malaria keeps more kids out of school than any other disease? Malaria accounts for half of all preventable absenteeism, causing up to 10 million missed days each year. Malaria can also cause lasting learning disabilities.
Click on the images to view the life Malaria life cycles
Children need nets A simple net provides protection against the deadliest creature in the world. Where children are at risk of being bitten by mosquitoes carrying malaria, an insecticide-treated bed net saves lives. Even with this simple and inexpensive solution, malaria continues to be one of the leading causes of death in children under five.
Text to Self Give student time to reflect on their own lives . They can compare their own way of living with other s who are less fortunate than themselves.