Part III: Muscle Tissue 3 types: Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle
Skeletal Muscle Description: Function: Location in the body: Long, cylindrical Multinucleate (2+ nuclei) Striated (banded appearance) Function: Muscles contract, pull on bones or skin cause body movements Location in the body: Attached to skeleton Other features: Voluntary control
Cardiac Muscle Description: Function: Locations in the body: Striated Uninucleate (1 nucleus) Branching cells – fit at junctions called intercalated discs Function: Propel blood through blood vessels to all parts of body Locations in the body: Walls of the heart Other features: Involuntary control
Smooth Muscle Description: No visible striations 1 central nucleus Spindle-shaped (pointed ends) Function: Propel substances through hollow organs Locations in the body: Walls of organs (stomach, bladder, uterus, blood vessels) Other features: Involuntary control Contracts slowly Peristalsis: wavelike motion that moves food through SI
Part IV: Nervous Tissue 2 Major Cell Types: Neurons Respond to stimuli Transmit electrical impulses Other cells Support, insulate, protect neurons